Cabinet communique 13-May-2013

Cabinet communique

    “I think that the most important thing for the Cabinet today is to pass the budget. Today, given the State of Israel's national needs and the global economic crisis, it is important for the State of Israel to show that it is passing a budget.”
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Monday, 13 May 2013):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked outgoing Cabinet Secretary Tzvi Hauser:
    "You are finishing years of dedicated, professional and unconventional work, with out-of-the-box creative thinking that frequently aided me, the government and the state, which may become known in the future. I think that you did so in an exceptional manner and I would like to specifically commend the work that you initiated and, to a large extent, led regarding the national heritage plan.
    The heritage plan is designed to connect all segments of the nation, secular and religious alike, around our ancient and new heritage, ancient from the time of the Bible and afterwards, and modern, from the rise of Zionism, to preserve the actual sites and the intangible, visual, literary and other assets. I think that this is a major revolution in reinforcing the common foundations that define the reason why we are here and, of course, ensure the identification of coming generations with the Zionism  and the Jewish enterprise.
    I remember that you first brought up the preliminary idea of preserving sites in my first term as prime minister; five sites, including Tel Hai, and then the idea developed. This is thanks to you and I would like to thank you for it, on behalf of the entire government and – I believe – the country.
    Filling your position is not a simple task, but I looked for someone with a background no less impressive than yours and I asked Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Avichai Mandelblit, who was IDF chief advocate general, to do so. I am certain that he brings with him many qualities – legal and others, including knowledge of the security issues, which you also dealt with – for this task, and I will submit his appointment to the Cabinet today in the hope, and with good wishes, that he will continue your success."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu added:

    "Yesterday, we sat until very late on the defense budget and I decided to bring before the Security Cabinet and the full Cabinet a decision that moderates the proposed cut to the defense budget by NIS 1 billion, which will not be at the public's expense. I would like to make it clear that the IDF – including its commanders, soldiers and weapons – is vital, in both defense and offense, to Israelis' security; these are the two main fronts.

    The offensive front is clear. The defensive front is expanding to include the entire home front, the entire State of Israel. And therefore, we need the IDF to continue to become more efficient, but we also need additional Iron Dome batteries, and I believe that the path I am proposing today strikes a proper balance between the needs of the economy and of security so as to allow us to achieve both of these goals. There is always compromise between such needs, and I think that this is the correct compromise.
    I think that the most important thing for the Cabinet today is to pass the budget. Today, given the State of Israel's national needs and the global economic crisis, it is important for the State of Israel to show that it is passing a budget. This decision on the defense budget will allow us to pass the budget. We will do this today and by the end of today, the State of Israel will have a budget.

    At the same time, we need to continue developing engines of growth. My visit to China, I believe, will aid one of these growth engines – opening the Israeli market, or to be more precise, opening Asia to Israeli initiatives and companies, and this could give us important additional growth.

    We will also need to continue the structural reforms inside Israel, starting with port reform, and there will be others. We have started this and we will continue with full vigor. These matters – passing a responsible budget, continuing structural reforms and building growth engines – will, I believe, ensure our economic future in the coming years."

    2. Pursuant to article 8 of the 2001 Government Law,
    the Cabinet appointed Avichai Mandelblit as Cabinet Secretary in place of Tzvi Hauser.

    3. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments),
    the Cabinet appointed Dr. Ehud Netzer to succeed Maj.-Gen. (ret.) Udi Adam as Director of the Nuclear Research Center-Negev, effective 1 September 2013, for a five-year term.

    Israel Fire and Rescue Services Commissioner Shahar Ayalon briefed the Cabinet on the revamped IFRC, including its aerial firefighting capabilities and its actions in extinguishing the fires that have broken out over the past month.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked the IFRC Commissioner and
    commended the IFRC's actions.

    5. The Cabinet appointed Culture and Sports Minister Limor Livnat to chair the Ministerial Committee on the Advancement of Women in Israeli Society.
    6. Prime Minister's Office National Economic Council Director Prof. Eugene Kandel briefed the Cabinet on the strategic socio-economic situation. Prof. Kandel discussed expected global influences due to high uncertainty, the aging of the population, increased life expectancy, the rise of developing economies and the information revolution.

    Regarding the Israeli economy, Prof. Kandel pointed out several future trends (including anticipated demographic developments and the decline in the number of productive people in the economy) that are likely to influence economic growth and the budget deficit.

    Prof. Kandel discussed the need to integrate the ultra-orthodox and minority populations into the labor market, develop human capital and advance growth engines in the face of future socio-economic challenges.

    7. At this hour, the Cabinet continues to discuss the economic plan for 2013-2014, including structural changes and the budget. At the end of the meeting, the Cabinet will vote on the decisions that will be taken.