Cabinet communique

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: “The reserves are a fundamental component of the existence of our state and we express our appreciation to the men and women of the reserves who dedicate their time and contribute to the state and its security.”
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 28 April 2013):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Today we mark IDF Reserves Appreciation Day. The reserves are a fundamental component of the strength of the IDF, i.e. a fundamental component of the existence of our state and we express our appreciation to the men and women of the reserves who dedicate their time and contribute to the state and its security.
    This security is frequently challenged. Last night, the IDF attacked targets in the Gaza Strip. I would like to make it clear that we will not allow a policy of sporadic firing. The sporadic firing of missiles and rockets will meet with a very aggressive response and we will do everything necessary to defend the security of Israeli citizens, both in response and in circumstances that are unrelated to a response. We will do what is necessary to defend the State of Israel and its citizens, in the north, in the south and in every district.
    We are committed to lowering the cost of living in Israel. This government has etched this goal on its flag and it will carry it out. This is a government that advances reforms. These reforms will be on land, sea and air, in every field.
    Last week, we advanced the "Open Skies" reform and today we are submitting a reform to lower the price of cars and repair costs. Later, we will submit a very major reform of Israel's sea ports. Today, we will also establish a committee on lowering the cost-of-living. I call on all ministers to submit reforms that increase competition, improve service, increase efficiency and help lower prices for goods and services for Israeli citizens. I think that we can bring about here the continuation of a great change that leaves citizens with much more money in their pockets and gives Israelis the possibility of buying products at the prices we see overseas.
    The main reason for the high cost-of-living in Israel is the monopolies and cartels that prevent competition and thwart the lowering of prices to a level that Israelis can live with. Therefore, it is the government's obligation, and I encourage ministers to submit these reforms; you will receive backing, support and these reforms will be advanced quickly. I think that their accumulated weight could bring about a very great change here and jump the Israeli economy even higher and help Israeli society. In the end, it is the weaker groups who pay the price for inefficiency. The wealthier strata are less sensitive to the prices of basic goods and services, but the less well-off are very sensitive to it. When we measure competition in all walks of life, in all of the areas that your ministries are responsible for, we are helping both the Israeli economy and Israeli society. Therefore, this encouragement needs to be genuine.
    Today, Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Stanley Fischer will present the new banknotes. They are beautiful and touch our soul. I agree with those who say that there is place to propose representatives of Sephardic and other Jewish communities. I am making a concrete proposal that the first [image] to be submitted for the next [series of] banknotes is someone whom I think is among the greatest Israeli poets – Rabbi Yehuda Levi, whose poetry I esteem as the work of a genius and who is important to our heritage. But there will certainly be other proposals. You are invited to submit them to the next Governor of the Bank of Israel."
    2. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet appointed Shlomo Ben-Eliyahu to replace Mordechai Mordechai as Director-General of the Construction and Housing Ministry.
    3. The Cabinet marked IDF Reserves Appreciation Day. Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon and GOC Personnel Maj.-Gen. Orna Barbivai discussed the actions and contributions of IDF reservists and emphasized the importance of public support for the reservists.
    4. Pursuant to Article 21 of the 2008 Reserve Duty Law, the Cabinet appointed a ministerial committee on reserve affairs, to be chaired by Defense Minister Yaalon.
    5. The Cabinet decided:
    * to change the name of the Ministry of Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs to the Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs;
    * pursuant to Article 31A of Basic Law: The Government, to appoint Minister Naftali Bennett as Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Minister;
    * pursuant to Article 31D of Basic Law: The Government, to transfer responsibility for Jerusalem affairs from the Prime Minister's Office to the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry. Included herein is responsibility for the Jerusalem Development Authority and responsibility for various projects in Jerusalem as per the relevant Cabinet decisions;
    * responsibility for the Western Wall Heritage Foundation will remain within the Prime Minister's Office;
    * responsibility for the struggle against anti-Semitism will be transferred from the Prime Minister's Office to the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry;
    * the Prime Minister's Office, in conjunction with the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry, will manage Masa Israel and Taglit-Birthright Israel;
    * responsibility for the Government Press Office will be transferred from the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry to the Prime Minister's Office;
    * responsibility for the Government Advertising Bureau will be transferred from the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry to the Communications Ministry;
    6. Pursuant to its policy of working to lower the cost of living, reduce cartelization in the economy and increase competitiveness, the Cabinet appointed a ministerial committee on the cost of living, cartelization and encouraging competitiveness in the economy, to be chaired by Economy Minister Naftali Bennett.
    7. The Cabinet appointed a ministerial committee on science, technology and space affairs, to be chaired by Science, Technology and Space Affairs Minister Yaakov Peri.
    8. The Cabinet appointed a ministerial committee on civilian sector emergency preparedness, to be chaired by Home Front Protection Minister Gilad Erdan.
    9. The Cabinet amended its 27 January 2013 decision on procedures regarding the changeover from a ministry director-general to his/her successor.
    10. The Cabinet discussed ways to increase competitiveness, and the regulatory framework, for the vehicle sector and decided to approve a memorandum regarding amendments to the 2011 Vehicle Licensing and Services Law.
    11. The Cabinet discussed participation in the security costs of Israeli airlines and decided in light of previous Cabinet decisions, including last week's "Open Skies" agreement with the EU, to update its participation in the aforesaid security costs accordingly.
    12. The Cabinet approved Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Stanley Fischer's decision regarding the new series of banknotes (click here for illustrations), which will be issued during 2013-2014.
    The Cabinet asked the Bank of Israel to issue, in the future, banknotes featuring the images of men and women who represent all communities in Israel.
    13. Pursuant to Article 43A-B of the 2010 Bank of Israel Law, the Cabinet approved Bank of Israel Gov. Fischer's proposal, which has been approved by the Bank of Israel Supervisory Council, regarding two special series of coins (marking the 2014 World Cup and the 60th anniversary of the founding of Yad Vashem, respectively) to be issued in May-June 2013.