Cabinet communique 3-Mar-2013

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: At a time when our enemies are coming together and uniting their efforts, we must come together and unite our forces in order to repel these dangers.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting (GPO archive photo) Israel Cabinet meeting (GPO archive photo)
    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 3 March 2013):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "I was briefed over the weekend on the major powers' talks with Iran on the nuclear issue. The American representative briefed National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror on these talks. My impression from these talks is that the only thing that was achieved was to stall for time during which Iran intends to continue enriching nuclear material for an atomic bomb, and it is indeed continuing toward this goal.
    I must say that at this time our enemies are uniting in order to bring about not only atomic weapons that could be used against us, but other deadly weapons that are piling up around us. At a time when they are coming together and uniting their efforts, we must come together and unite our forces in order to repel these dangers.
    I regret that this is not happening. I will continue my efforts in the coming days to try and unite our forces and bring them together ahead of the major national and international tasks that we face. I hope that I will succeed, I will continue to try."
    2. Pursuant to its 6 January 2013 decision, the Cabinet discussed the draft arrangement for treating individuals with autism in Israel.
    3. Interior Minister Eli Yishai, Interior Ministry Director-General Amram Kalaji and other senior ministry officials briefed ministers on the activities of the Interior Ministry in 2009-2013.