Cabinet communique 5-May-2013

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: "Theodor Herzl said, 'In Basel, I founded the Jewish state' and in Jerusalem we are developing the Jewish state and ensuring its future."
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    Israel Cabinet meeting on Mt. Herzl honoring Jerusalem Day Israel Cabinet meeting on Mt. Herzl honoring Jerusalem Day Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting, today (Sunday, 5 May 2013), which was held at the Herzl Museum on Mt. Herzl, in honor of Jerusalem Day:

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "We are marking Jerusalem Day here in the museum on Mt. Herzl. Theodor Herzl said, 'In Basel, I founded the Jewish state' and in Jerusalem we are developing the Jewish state and ensuring its future.

    There is no place more fitting from which to call on the children and citizens of Israel to come visit Jerusalem, to come to this museum, to see the greatness of this man, who was one of the giants of history. I think that it was his vision and his strength, which breathed life into a scattered and weak people that was unable to see to its own fate, that brought us here – to a new life. It would be proper for every boy and girl in Israel, and the many who visit here, to understand our roots, our ties to Zion and our obligation to continue developing our land and our state for the coming generations.

    I am also pleased to tell you that we can mark a very important development in Jerusalem. In recent years, there has been very strong momentum in all areas: Education, culture, sports, transportation, tourism, and science and medicine. There has been very major development in all these areas. Jerusalem is becoming a modern metropolis with a very strong link to the past and a very promising leap to the future. This is exactly what Herzl envisioned; by the way, this is how he wrote about Jerusalem and about the entire Land of Israel.

    I am pleased that we are cooperating on this. This meeting expresses the Government's commitment to continue the momentum, along with the Municipality of Jerusalem and with all ministries, in all areas, so that this change, this turning point might continue unabated.

    Before we start the Cabinet meeting, I would like to note two other items. First, I would like to thank the Israel Fire and Rescue Services personnel who very successfully fought countless fires last week. They simply did exceptional work around the clock. I would like to congratulate them on behalf of myself, the Government and, I am certain, on behalf of all Israelis.

    Second, I sadly note the passing of a great poet, Dvora Omer, who left her mark on generations of children, including my own. She wrote things that speak to the heart of young people in the country. She touched on values, roots and the men and women who laid the foundations of the State of Israel. I think that she was an exceptional poet and I would like to send the Government's condolences to her family, with great appreciation."

    Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat said:

    "Happy Jerusalem Day to all. Mr. Prime Minister, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and the entire Government, on my behalf as well as that of the city administration and the residents of the city.

    There is no doubt that Jerusalem is moving forward in many areas, and this would not be happening without the support of your government, the previous government, and I am certain the present government as well. To my great joy, we are witnessing a change in the scope of 'the Zionist movement' that left the city, i.e. Zionist families that, to our regret, had previously left the city. To my great joy, the trend is changing and we have an increase in young families, in pupils in the state and state religious schools, and four times more cultural events in Jerusalem. Tourism has increased and is currently approaching 4 million tourists per annum, with Jerusalem being the main beneficiary.

    We have submitted here for the ministers a booklet detailing the scope of the projects, some of which are already in motion and some of which are still in the process; to my great joy, they are accelerating economic changes in the city. The number of newly employed in Jerusalem has doubled, from 5,000 to 10,000 over the past three years.

    As I look forward, it is clear to me that this process is strengthening Jerusalem, and for that I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. There is no doubt that we have a very, very long list of projects and I already feel, from the start of the new government, strong backing from all ministries and especially from you, Mr. Prime Minister.

    Once again, I would like to thank you all. You can certainly be proud of what is occurring in Jerusalem, and it is my hope that we will also sit together next year and discuss additional development projects for the coming years.

    Mr. Prime Minister, thank you."

    2. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet appointed Dvir Kahane as Director-General of the Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry.

    3. The Cabinet appointed the Ministerial Committee on Jerusalem Affairs, to be chaired by Prime Minister Netanyahu.

    4. In light of Basic Law: Jerusalem – Capital of Israel and pursuant to previous Cabinet decisions on improving culture and tourism in the city, the Cabinet discussed and approved a plan to upgrade infrastructure for Jerusalem's museums.

    5. In light of Basic Law: Jerusalem – Capital of Israel and pursuant to previous Cabinet decisions, the Cabinet appointed a committee, to be chaired by Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs Ministry Director-General Kahane, to consider a plan to renovate the Jerusalem International Convention Center as part of an effort to strengthen the city's economy by boosting its tourism infrastructure.

    6. The Cabinet discussed the allocation of land to recognized and budgeted academic institutions in Jerusalem.

    7. Pursuant to Article 31d of Basic Law: The Government, the Cabinet discussed the transfer of units from various ministries and areas of responsibility under various laws to the Religious Services Ministry and to the Religious Services Minister, respectively.

    8. Pursuant to Articles 43a-b of the 2010 Bank of Israel Law, the Cabinet approved Bank of Israel Governor Prof. Stanley Fischer's proposal regarding a special gold coin in the "Jerusalem of Gold" series bearing the likeness of the Shrine of the Book.

    9. Jerusalem Mayor Barkat briefed ministers on a series of projects and initiatives being carried out in the city in various fields including tourism, highways, science, medicine, employment and construction. He noted that the municipality intends to devote efforts to turning Jerusalem into a tourism center and increasing the number of tourists visiting the city. The Mayor added that the municipality is working to create conditions for the absorption of young people in the city and retaining local young people in the city.

    Jerusalem Mayor Barkat thanked Prime Minister Netanyahu and his fellow ministers for assisting in the development of the city.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu commended the work of the Mayor and the municipality in developing the city and turning it into a flourishing metropolitan area.

    10. Prime Minister Netanyahu briefed ministers on his visit to China, which is due to start today. He noted that he intends to hold a dialogue with the Chinese leadership on increasing Israeli exports to China and developing additional economic ties, as well as on various diplomatic and security issues.

    11. The Cabinet decided to amend the 1992 Deficit Reduction and Budget Expenditure Limitation Law so as to approve a deficit target of 4.65% of GDP of 2013 and 3% for 2014.