Cabinet communique 26 May 2013

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: “Israel is the most threatened state in the world; it is under missile and rocket threat. We are prepared for any scenario.”
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 26 May 2013):

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "Today we will start national emergency week. Home Front Defense Minister Gilad Erdan will brief us in detail on the issue. The threats against the Israeli home front have significantly increased in recent years. Israel is the most threatened state in the world; it is under missile and rocket threat. We are prepared for any scenario.

    In recent years we have significantly increased the preparedness of the home front vis-à-vis such attacks and other stacks. We are investing billions so that the home front will be better protected and better prepared. We are investing in Iron Dome, sirens, shelters, structural reinforcement, and improved early warning systems. We will make legislative changes so as to adapt the legal reality in the State of Israel to the security reality and the concomitant threats.
    An appreciable proportion of these changes have already been seen. It was possible to see them in the functioning of the home front during Operation Pillar of Defense, but even so one must remember that it is difficult to achieve complete protection. In the end, no protection can be a substitute for the striking power of the IDF and the stamina and strength of the Israeli public in time of attack.

    I thank – in advance – the public, ministers and ministries for their cooperation, for the important work of the IDF and Home Front Command. Through cooperation we will be better prepared."

    2. Home Front Defense Minister Erdan, Home Front Defense Ministry Director-General Gabi Ofir and GOC Home Front Command Maj.-Gen. Eyal Eizenberg briefed ministers on the national home front exercise due to take place between 26-30 May 2013 in the framework of national emergency week.

    3. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the cabinet appointed Yossi Silman as Director-General of the Social Welfare and Social Services Ministry.

    4. Pursuant to UEFA's decision to hold its Under 21 Championship in Israel from 5-18 June 2013, the Cabinet decided to allocate NIS 4.1 million in support of the tournament.
    5. The Cabinet decided to amend a 2009 decision regarding the definition of national development priority areas and communities.

    6. The Cabinet decided to authorize the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to discuss, and inform the Knesset regarding, the Cabinet's desire to apply Article 1 of the 1993 Continuity Law to the 2012 draft law on socio-economic changes (increasing competition), which amends legislation on cartels.

    7. The Cabinet approved the draft 2013 Vehicle licensing Law.