Cabinet communique 24 Nov 2013

Cabinet communique

    The Cabinet unanimously approved a plan to deal with the phenomenon of illegal migration. Illegal migrants will be directed to a facility where their physical needs will be provided for and will be unable to work.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 24 November 2013):

    1. Prime Minister Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "What was achieved last night in Geneva is not an historic agreement; it is an historic mistake. Today the world has become a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world has taken a significant step toward attaining the most dangerous weapon in the world. For the first time, the world's leading powers have agreed to uranium enrichment in Iran while ignoring the UN Security Council decisions that they themselves led. Sanctions that required many years to put in place contain the best chance for a peaceful solution. These sanctions have been given up in exchange for cosmetic Iranian concessions that can be cancelled in weeks. This agreement and what it means endanger many countries including, of course, Israel. Israel is not bound by this agreement. The Iranian regime is committed to the destruction of Israel and Israel has the right and the obligation to defend itself, by itself, against any threat. As Prime Minister of Israel, I would like to make it clear: Israel will not allow Iran to develop a military nuclear capability."

    2. Pursuant to Article 23 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to approve the appointment of Shai Nitzan to a six year-term as State Attorney, effective 17 December 2013.

    3. The Cabinet decided to appoint a team to formulate – within six weeks – a plan to develop and strengthen the city of Taibe.

    4. The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve draft amendments to two laws regarding local authorities.

    5. The Cabinet unanimously approved a plan to deal with the phenomenon of illegal migration which was presented by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Interior Minister Gideon Saar, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch and Prime Minister's Office Director General Harel Locker. The plan is pursuant to the new law to prevent illegal migration which Interior Minister Saar will submit to the Knesset tomorrow for approval on its first reading and to last September's ruling by the High Court of Justice.

    The new decisions include combined actions designed to encourage illegal migrants to leave Israel and return to their countries of origin, increase personal security for residents of Israel and reduce the presence of migrants in city centers.

    Law enforcement teams from the Public Security Ministry, the Population and Migration Authority and the Economy Ministry will be reinforced with approximately 550 new positions. Enforcement will be carried out against illegal migrants themselves and those who employ them.

    It was also presented today that according to the proposal of Interior Minister Saar, and with the approval of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the grant to illegal migrants who leave Israel from $1,500 to $3,500.

    The issue of increased Israel Police activity in order to improve personal security in south Tel Aviv was also discussed.

    This plan is in addition to the new illegal migration prevention law which sets a period of being held for one year in a closed facility, instead of for three years, which was overturned by the High Court of Justice last September, for new illegal migrants who enter the State of Israel and for illegal migrants who violate the rules of the open facility. It is also suggested in the framework of the law the operation of the open facility as an additional tool in dealing with the phenomenon of infiltration be anchored in legislation, thus facilitating enforcement of the ban on employing migrants housed in the facility.

    Illegal migrants in Israel will be directed to the facility where their physical needs – including lodging, food and drink, and basic health needs – will be provided for. Illegal migrants directed to the facility will be unable to work. Thus, for the first time, the ban on employing them will be enforced. Concomitantly, the state will begin enforcement actions against those who employ illegal migrants who reside at the facility.

    Also in the framework of the plan and in order to strengthen personal security in those areas of south Tel Aviv frequented by illegal migrants, the number of police officers in these areas will be increased.

    Additionally, enforcement in the area of public order will be expanded by increasing the number of Population and Migration Authority inspectors who, in conjunction with their colleagues from the Economy Ministry, Health Ministry, Tax Authority, National Insurance Institute, National Fire and Rescue Service and local authorities, will act against illegal migrants and their employers. Actions will be carried out against those who employ illegal migrants who are not permitted to work and those employers who do not meet the full costs required according to labor laws and the tax code. Actions will also be taken against businesses operated by illegal migrants. Illegal migrants who disturb public order will also be transferred to the closed facility.