Cabinet communique 17-Feb-2013

Cabinet communique

    National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror briefed ministers on preparations for US President Obama's visit.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO archive photo
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 17 February 2013):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "At the start of the meeting, I would like to say that I rely completely on the security forces of the State of Israel. They operate with endless dedication and commitment to ensure that we will be able to live in this country. I also completely rely on the legal authorities in the State of Israel. The security and intelligence forces of the State of Israel operate under the full supervision of the legal authorities, which are completely independent. With this combination of maintaining security and maintaining the law, we will also maintain freedom of expression; however, the over-exposure of security and intelligence activity could harm, sometimes severely, state security. Therefore, in any discussion, the security interest cannot be made light of, and in the reality in which the State of Israel lives, this must be a main interest.
    We are not like other countries. We are an exemplary democracy and maintain the rights of those under investigation and individual rights no less than any other country. However we are more threatened and face more challenges; therefore, we must maintain proper activity of our security agencies. And therefore, I ask all of you, let the security forces do their work quietly so that we can continue to live in security and tranquility in the State of Israel.
    Today, the Cabinet will be briefed ahead of US President Barack Obama's upcoming visit to Israel, which is expected to take place next month. We are in the midst of preparations for this visit. It will focus on three issues: The first is Iran's progress toward achieving nuclear weapons. To my regret, this progress is continuing. Iran has recently expedited its nuclear activity. It is enriching material at a high level and it is installing new centrifuges in order to shorten the time it takes to reach and cross the red line that I indicated in my UN speech.
    The second issue is the crumbling of the regime in Syria. Yesterday, we saw that the fighting is also approaching our border. We will continue to guard our border and prevent passage and entry to Israel, except for exceptional, isolated cases, every one will be considered on its merits.
    The third issue that we will discuss is moving forward on the diplomatic process with the Palestinians. Over the weekend, attorney Isaac Molcho, my representative to the talks, returned from a round of talks in Washington. This week, National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror is expected to go there. There is no doubt that this issue will be on the agenda and will be part of the work of the next government. During this visit, we will discuss the most significant issues regarding the security of the State of Israel and the assurance of its future.
    Today, the seventh day of the Hebrew month of Adar, is both the birthday of Moses our Teacher, and the anniversary of his passing. It is also Memorial Day for IDF Fallen whose burial place is unknown. The State of Israel is making constant efforts to return our fallen for proper burial, and is working without respite to locate our missing."
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting this morning (Sunday, 17 February 2013), National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror briefed ministers on preparations for US President Obama's visit. He noted that the main issues of the visit will be focused on the diplomatic-security sphere - the Iranian nuclear issue, the situation in Syria and efforts to resume the negotiations with the Palestinians. He added that in light of the international interest in the visit, an effort will be made to present the development of the Israeli high-tech industry.
    2. Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz and senior Finance Ministry officials briefed ministers on the state of the Israeli economy in 2009-2012.
    3. The Cabinet discussed the extension of the declaration of a state of emergency and decided, in continuation of its 7 May 2012 decision, to propose that the Knesset declare a state of emergency, pursuant to Article 38 of Basic Law: The Government, for a period of one year.
    4. National Security Adviser Amidror briefed ministers on the anticipated outline of US President Barack Obama's upcoming visit, which is expected to take place towards the end of next month.
    He noted that the main issues of the visit will be focused on the diplomatic-security sphere - the Iranian nuclear issue, the situation in Syria and efforts to resume the negotiations with the Palestinians. He added that in light of the international interest in the visit, an effort will be made to present the development of the Israeli high-tech industry.
    5. The Cabinet discussed exemptions from public tender for various positions in the offices of ministry director generals.