Cabinet communique 16 June 2013

Cabinet communique

    PM Netanyahu: “Regarding the results of the elections in Iran, let us not delude ourselves. The international community must not become caught up in wishes and be tempted to relax the pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting, today (Sunday, 16 June 2013):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Regarding the results of the elections in Iran, let us not delude ourselves. The international community must not become caught up in wishes and be tempted to relax the pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear program. It must be remembered that the Iranian ruler, at the outset, disqualified candidates who did not fit his extremist outlook and from among those whose candidacies he allowed was elected the candidate who was seen as less identified with the regime, who still defines the State of Israel as "the great Zionist Satan."
    In any case, the ruler of Iran is the Supreme Leader, not the president, and it is he who determines nuclear policy. The more the pressure on Iran increases, the greater is the chance of stopping the Iranian nuclear program, which remains the greatest threat to world peace. Fifteen years ago, the election of another president, also considered a moderate by the West, led to no change in these aggressive policies. Over the last twenty years, the only thing that has led to a temporary freeze in the Iranian nuclear program was Iran's concern over aggressive policy against it in 2003. Iran will be judged by its actions. If it continues to insist on developing its nuclear program, the answer needs to be very clear – stopping the nuclear program by any means.
    As I stated at the beginning of the government's term, we are committed to enacting a comprehensive reform of Israel's seaports. Over the weekend, I spoke with Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz and Finance Minister Yair Lapid and discussed ways to advance implementation of the reform. We are not prepared to countenance the unacceptable phenomenon of wasteful, exploitative and inefficient monopolies at the ports that exact a high and unnecessary price from Israel's citizens for goods and products. Reform at the ports began ten years ago. The previous government privatized Eilat port and this government will complete the work in order to open Israel's ports to competition. The monopoly at the seaports hurts the competitiveness of the Israeli economy and causes a higher cost of living here. We are determined to change this situation and we will change it.
    Today, we will also establish an inter-ministerial team led by Home Front Protection Minister Gilad Erdan to formulate a comprehensive home front protection policy. The team will present, inter alia, ways to reduce the gaps in structural reinforcement and shelters in face of the gathering threats around us."
    2. Prime Minster Netanyahu briefed the Cabinet on last week's Israel-Poland inter-governmental meeting and on the opening of the Jewish pavilion at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum.
    3. Pursuant to Article 11A of the 1980 Chief Rabbinate Law, the Cabinet decided to approve the appointments of rabbinical court judge David Malka as Chairman of the Chief Rabbis Elections Committee, and of retired judge Sara Frish and attorney Tzipora Finklestein as the cabinet's representatives on Chief Rabbis Elections Committee.
    4. The Cabinet approved the establishment of an inter-ministerial team on upgrading the level of protection for existing residential buildings.
    5. The Cabinet was briefed by senior Foreign Ministry officials in the framework of deepening ministers' knowledge base.
    Foreign Ministry Director General Rafi Barak briefed ministers on the structure of the ministry, as well as its goals and functions, and made it clear that the Foreign Ministry is the main body that formulates Israel's foreign policy both during emergencies and on a routine basis.
    Foreign Ministry Director of Policy Planning Eran Etzion briefed ministers on the strategic surroundings in which the ministry operates vis-à-vis the structure of the international system and the changes which the system is undergoing, as well on the region and changes occurring in it.
    6. Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety Minister Yisrael Katz briefed the Cabinet on the progress in carrying out and implementing the reform of Israel's ports.
    Minister Katz discussed the inefficiency and additional costs incurred by the Israeli economy due to the current structure, and the need to introduce competition among the ports in order to improve service and reduce costs. The minister also referred to the activity ahead of the publication of tenders to build and operate two new ports – in Haifa and Ashdod, respectively.
    Minister Katz made it clear that one of the goals in building the two new ports is to turn Israel's ports into a global center for maritime commerce.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said that he intends to hold a discussion soon with ministers Lapid and Katz on advancing the ports reform which is essential for the Israeli economy.