Cabinet communique 15 Dec 2013

Cabinet communique

    At this Cabinet meeting, I will ask ministers to deal with the damage that has resulted from the storm. We will deal with it quickly and, of course, we will also learn the lessons.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Cabinet Secretariat)

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "A few hours ago, I held a consultation to assess the situation in the Jerusalem District of the Israel Police. I met with two officers there – Nir, who carried an elderly man on his back, and Noam, who drove a woman to the delivery room. They represent the many thousands in the government agencies, and among the public, who are working for the fourth night in a row in the face of this great storm.

    Thanks to the determination of the security and rescue forces, and to the cooperation among citizens, many lives have been saved.
    The State of Israel is coping very well with the great storm. I believe that we performed better than advanced countries that are hit by such storms more frequently, or countries that suffer such storms, and we see the results with us...

    At this Cabinet meeting, I will ask ministers to deal with the damage that has resulted. We will deal with it quickly and, of course, we will also learn the lessons. Many of the lessons are very good and some need correcting and this in order to be better prepared for the next situation.
    The only thing that I can promise you with certainty is that we may expect the unexpected. Once every few years something unexpected happens and the ability to organize to the best of our ability and work together was the key to success this time and will be for continued success as well."

    2. The Cabinet discussed the 'Digital Israel' initiative.

    3. The Cabinet discussed the establishment of a new community in the Iron area.

    4. The Cabinet discussed the transfer of authority regarding National Civilian Service from the Economy Ministry to the Senior Citizens Ministry.

    5. The Cabinet discussed the use of cannabis for medical purposes.

    6. The Cabinet decided to establish a public committee to evaluate the possibilities of purchasing a plane for the flights of the Prime Minister and the President and of building a new structure for the Prime Minister's office and official residence.

    7. The Cabinet approved a plan for the 2014-2017 development of the Druze communities on the Golan Heights.

    8. The Cabinet decided to transfer the 'Mercaz Hasbara' from the Prime Minister's Office to the Culture and Sports Ministry.

    9. Public Security Minister Aharonovitch briefed ministers on operations by the Israel Police and the security and rescue services in dealing with the recent severe storm.
