33rd Government of Israel holds first Cabinet meeting 18-Mar-2013

33rd Government of Israel holds first Cabinet meeting

    Today, we are opening the Government table and we are also cleaning it. We are putting aside disagreements and are working together.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening made the following remarks at the first meeting of Israel's 33rd Government:

    "This is the third time that I have had the honor of opening a meeting of a new government. I must tell you that I am moved. This is not self-evident. Nothing here is self-evident and we all bear the great responsibility, the responsibility and the privilege.

    Of all the three times that I have had this privilege of leading the State of Israel, I cannot remember a more challenging period vis-à-vis the accumulated risks on one hand and the opportunities on the other, and of course, the expectations of Israel's citizens. I think that it is within our power to meet all of these challenges, without exception.

    Today, we are opening the Government table and we are also cleaning it. We are putting aside disagreements and are working together. There are excellent, qualified, experienced and invigorating people here and the only way we can succeed is by cooperating. I am certain that we will do so. Cooperation and unity. I very much encourage discussion around this table.

    I encourage people – as it will become clear to the newcomers – to speak their minds. I think that by hearing all sides we will, in the end, make correct and balanced decisions. The citizens of Israel expect us to work together and achieve results. I would like to thank everyone for their cooperation up to now, and from now on. I would like to wish Israeli citizens a Happy Passover, and our Christian citizens a Happy Easter.

    I am honored to open this meeting of the Government."


    The Government unanimously approved an amendment to the 2009-2012 State Budget Law according to which the maximum time for approving the 2013 state budget will be 135 days from the day the 33rd Government took office.

    The Government also unanimously approved the draft Chief Rabbinate Law (Emergency Ordinance), to the effect that the tenure of the current chief rabbis, which is due to end on 24 March 2013, will be extended by four months or until the election of new chief rabbis, whichever comes first.

  • Government approves composition of the Security Cabinet


    Israel's 33rd Government, at its first meeting, this evening, approved the composition of the Ministerial Committee on National Security Affairs (the Security Cabinet).

    By law, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will chair the Committee. The other members will be Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon, Finance Minister Yair Lapid, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Industry, Trade and Labor Minister Naftali Bennett, and Home Front Defense and Communications Minister Gilad Erdan.

  • Government approves appointments of eight Deputy Ministers


    The Government, this evening, approved the appointments of eight deputy ministers:

    • MK Ofir Akunis – Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, responsible for liaison between the Government and the Knesset;
    • MK Zeev Elkin – Deputy Foreign Minister;
    • MK Eli Ben-Dahan – Deputy Religious Services Minister;
    • MK Danny Danon – Deputy Defense Minister;
    • MK Avi Wortzman – Deputy Education Minister;
    • MK Tzipi Hotovely – Deputy Transportation, National Infrastructures and Road Safety Minister;
    • MK Mickey Levy – Deputy Finance Minister; and
    • MK Fania Kirshenbaum – Deputy Interior Minister