Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for change

Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for change

    Kamel Abu Nadi, a 45-year-old Bedouin from the Negev, talks about the Israeli government's new plan of community and economic development in the Bedouin community.
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    Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for change Bedouin in the Negev: Hoping for change Copyright: MFA video
    Kamel Abu Nadi is a 45-year-old Bedouin from the Negev, in southern Israel, who raises camels and sells their high-quality milk to distributors all over Israel.

    Abu Nadi has called for change in the Bedouin society of the Negev, hoping for progress. He believes that the Israeli government's new plan of community and economic development in the Bedouin community - if implemented correctly - might bring about dramatic change in the quality of life of the Negev's Bedouin and lay the foundation for a better future for their children.

    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:05:57