Tel Aviv Loves all Genders June 2015

Tel Aviv Loves all Genders

  •   17th Annual Pride Festival and Parade
    Eurovision star Conchita Wurst to arrive in Tel Aviv to participate in this year's Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade which will focus on transgender rights. Asia's largest Gay Parade is expected to draw record 180,000 participants from Israel and beyond.
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    Pride Beach, Tel Aviv Pride Beach, Tel Aviv Copyright: Israel Ministry of Tourism
    Tel Aviv's 17th Annual Pride Festival will be taking place between June 7-12, with its highlight being the city's largest ever gay parade, with an expected all-time record 180,000 participants (2014 saw 130,000 participants in the parade) - making it Asia's largest ever gay pride event. This year the parade will be in support of transgender rights and recognition of their contribution to the LGBT community and the city of Tel Aviv, a fact that made Eurovision Star Conchita Wurst (Austrian Winner of the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest) decide to come to Tel Aviv to perform in the parade.

    Events of Tel Aviv's Annual Pride Festival include a parade along the city's world-famous beach, an LGBT culture festival, film festival, conferences, ongoing chill-out beach and Tel Aviv's largest ever Gay Party.

    In the past year the transgender community in Israel has attained significant achievements in the legal arena, parliament, the public eye and in within the LGBT community, for example: agreements over the rights of transgender soldiers in the army, the establishment of two new organizations within the transgender community for their benefit. The events of Pride 2015 will highlight the contribution transgenders have made to the gay community and the city of Tel Aviv and call for recognition of their needs and full equal rights for all genders everywhere.
    Tel Aviv has, in recent years, become one of the world's leading and most famous gay tourist destinations, thanks to its tolerant atmosphere, warm weather (300 days of sun a year), famous culinary scene and world-leading nightlife scene. ranked Tel Aviv as the "World's Best Gay Tourism Destination", Lonely Planet considers Tel Aviv one of the world's Top 10 hedonistic city breaks and CNN ranked the city as "one of the 10 best gay honeymoon hotspots". An estimated 30,000 international visitors are expected to take part in the parade.
    Hila Oren, CEO of Tel Aviv Global: "The Nonstop City is proud to host LGBT visitors from around the world for this year's Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade. In Tel Aviv, there is a place for everyone, regardless of gender, religion, lifestyle or sexual orientation. In Tel Aviv we celebrate our differences - and we believe that the people are what makes our city - whoever you are - there's a place for you in Tel Aviv."
    Yaniv Weizman, Member of Tel Aviv City Council (Portfolio of the Gay Community): "We are pleased to see the vision we have cultivated this year - pride events reflecting the diversity of the LGBT community, and bringing the transgender community to the forefront - become a reality. Tel Aviv celebrates all those who help make it, every day, the city that loves all genders."