SHAKSHOUKA -Eggs in Tomato Sauce-

SHAKSHOUKA -Eggs in Tomato Sauce-


    SHAKSHOUKA (Eggs in Tomato Sauce)

    A Sephardi favorite. No Middle Eastern restaurant menu is complete without it, though Hungarians also delight in this dishwith the addition of lots of paprika. Leshakshek means "to shake" in Hebrew. Every cook from North Africa has his or her own personal version of this egg and tomato dish. Whatever vegetable is used, it must be fresh, not canned.

    1 lg. onion (finely chopped)
    4 eggs
    cooking oil
    6 medium tomatoes
    salt and pepper to taste

    In a large frying pan, saut onion until lightly browned. Grate tomatoes on largest holes of a grater. Mix grated tomatoes and onion, cover and cook over low heat for 25 minutes. Remove cover and break eggs over the surface. Stir gently to break yolks, cover and cook for about 3 or 4 minutes until eggs are set. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

    Variations: One minced garlic clove may be added to the onion, or 3 to 4 slices of red pimento may be sauteed with the onion.

