PM Netanyahu Holds Tour of Tower of David Museum for Israel's 3,000,000th Tourist

PM Netanyahu holds tour of Tower of David Museum for Israel's 3,000,000th tourist

    PM Netanyahu suprised Israel's 3,000,000th tourist from Romania with a tour of the Tower of David Museum.
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    PM Netanyahu with Israel's 3,000,000th tourist PM Netanyahu with Israel's 3,000,000th tourist Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Tuesday, 7 November 2017), at the Tower of David Museum in Jerusalem, surprised Israel's 3,000,000th tourist, Ioana Isac from Romania, and her partner, Mihai Georgescu. 
    The couple were accompanied by Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, who had earlier welcomed them in a festive ceremony at Ben-Gurion International Airport. They arrived at the museum where the couple found that their guide was none other than Prime Minister Netanyahu.
    Israel's 3,000,000th tourist marks a record of tourist arrivals to Israel in one year. 
