Israeli shakshouka makes waves in Colombia 24 May 2016

Israeli shakshouka makes waves in Colombia

    Three Israeli chefs arrive in Bogota and surprise the residents by delivering shakshouka meals in their ‘Shuka Truck.’
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    The ‘Shuka Truck’ in the streets of Bogota The ‘Shuka Truck’ in the streets of Bogota Copyright: MFA/Israel Embassy Bogota
    ​This May, the Israeli Embassy in Bogota treated residents of the Colombian capital to a small taste of Israeli culture and lifestyle.

    For four days, from May 16 to May 19 2016, the ‘Shuka Truck’ from New York City, replete with the three young Israeli chefs who operate it in New York, drove around the Colombian capital, Bogota, preparing and delivering hundreds of shakshuka meals to Colombian students, soldiers, business people, journalists and pedestrians around the city.

    The enthusiastic reception by the locals sparked the interest of the local media as well. One TV channel initiated a live broadcast from the truck, while other channels aired items on various entertainment shows. In addition, two renowned Colombian chefs visited the truck and prepared shakshouka together with the young Israeli chefs.

    The ‘Shuka Truck’ is a result of the passion of Chef Gabriel Israel and his two partners, Josh and Solomon Taraboulsi. The three, lifelong friends who grew up in the same city in Israel, share an ongoing passion for food. In 2014, Gabriel, Josh and Solomon decided to follow their dreams and established their own restaurant on wheels in New York City.

    A staple of Israeli home cooking, shakshuka is a simple dish prepared with a minimal amount of ingredients. It is a tasty, fresh, healthy meal for everyone, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Popular in all sectors of Israeli society, the dish is basically eggs poached in a rich, usually piquant, tomato-onion sauce. It is often accompanied by pita or bread with a crispy crust that can be used to mop up the delicious sauce.