Israel to host OECD Education Ministers summit 20 September 2016

Israel to host OECD Education Ministers' summit

    Senior delegations from some 30 countries will attend, including Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, New Zealand and Argentina.
    ​(Communicated by the Ministry of Education Spokesperson)

    For the first time, the OECD's Summit on 'Innovation in Education and Educating for Innovation' will be held in Jerusalem. Senior delegations from some 30 countries will attend, including Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, New Zealand and Argentina. The education ministers and high-ranking officials will be exposed to Israeli innovation, especially in the fields of formal and informal education.
    The summit will be held in Jerusalem over 25-27 September. The Summit will be held at the request and invitation of Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, and will include delegations from some 30 countries, most of them headed by education ministers. In addition, leading academics and industry leaders from around the world will take part in the round-table sessions and professional discussions.
    Minister Bennett initiated hosting the Summit in Israel, and it was organized by the Ministry of Education and the heads of the OECD.
    The OECD Summit will deal with technological and social innovation, and incorporating them in education systems around the world. The Ministers will also look at the affect these innovations have on schools and kindergartens. During the Summit, the education ministers, academics and industry officials will be exposed to Israel's creativity, especially in the realms of formal and informal education.
