International Yoga Day in Israel

International Yoga Day in Israel

    25 years of Israel-India diplomatic relations call for a mega yoga day celebration in Israel.
    Yoga, the ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India, ​has its own special day for celebrations. Israel joins the worldwide celebrations with its own unique events, in which we’ll also celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of Israel’s diplomatic relations with India. 

    Yoga Day events in Israel
    Beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21, the largest yoga event in Israel will take place at Rabin Square in Tel Aviv. Thousands have already registered for the multiple yoga events.
    On this 3rd International Yoga Day, 1500 yoga mats will puzzle together into one artwork. This art piece visualizes the future of Israel 30 years from now with an emphasis on the environment, culture & co-existence.  
    At 8 p.m., an official ceremony will be held and will include a message from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Narendra Modi. The ceremony will end with an Indian cultural performance of dance and music.

    When and how the annual worldwide celebrations began
    The International Yoga Day is the initiative of Prime Minister Modi. His efforts bore fruits and on December 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 21 as International Yoga Day. 
    June 21 was chosen since it’s the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and has special significance in many parts of the world.
    International Yoga Day 2017 celebrated in Tel Aviv​
    “Yoga means ‘to join’, and it's actually literally connecting cultures, countries, people from all over the world."  In this spirit, thousands of Israelis joined together on June 21st in Tel Aviv to mark International Yoga Day. This event also marks 25 years of diplomatic relations between Israel & India. These celebrations will achieve a new peak with the upcoming visit of India's Prime Minister. 

    ​Have a great yoga day!