Green bikes for a green city

Green bikes for a green city

    Tel Aviv has joined great cities around the world - including Amsterdam, London, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Taipei - in offering its residents and visitors a bike sharing program.
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    Green bikes for a green city Green bikes for a green city Copyright: MFA video
    With 1,700 bikes and 170 bike stations spread around the city, anyone who wants to go for a ride, run a short errand or skip the search for a parking space can now rent a bike for NIS 17 (less than $5) a day or free for less than a half hour.

    Tel Aviv's flat roads and growing number of bike paths make biking attractive to anyone (over 15) who can push a pedal (and children can rent bikes from a bike shop). Tel Aviv natives and visitors alike love the eco-friendly transportation and over 7,000 people use the green bikes daily.


    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:00:32