Eilat: International Sports Tourism City 25 Nov 2013

Program branding Eilat as an International Sports Tourism City approved

    The objective of the program is to establish an international sports complex that will serve as a center for hosting athletes from Israel and overseas, providing them with professional services of the highest level.
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    Eilat Eilat Copyright: Dan Rosen
    (Communicated by the Ministry of Tourism Spokesperson)
    In recent years, the Tourism Ministry has invested over NIS 100 million in tourism infrastructure in the city - this massive tourism infrastructure development is a significant step in the new branding for Eilat that the Tourism Ministry initiated last year.
    This week, the Tourism Ministry will launch a NIS 5 million campaign to promote extreme sport on Eurosport TV
    Tourism Minister Dr. Uzi Landau: "The Tourism Ministry believes in the importance of tourism as an economic and employment growth engine, and invests significant amounts in the development of tourism infrastructure throughout Israel and in the resort of Eilat in particular. In recent years, the Tourism Ministry has invested over NIS 100 million in Eilat including, among others, the establishment of a series of promenades and various attractions. This is one of many steps taken by the Tourism Ministry to turn Eilat in particular and Israel in general to an attractive, year-round tourist destination."
    Tourism Minister Director-General Amir Halevi: "Sport advertising on the Eurosport channel suits the Eilat branding like a glove. A decision was taken to give a boost to developing sports tourism. The Tour de France that is broadcast on Eurosport has created flourishing tourism destinations of those villages through which the race passes. When it's cold and dark in Europe, it's sunny and warm in Eilat and that offers amazing potential for sports tourism.
    The international marketing ability of Eilat as the only Western resort on the Red Sea is contingent on upgrading the tourism infrastructure. In recent years, the Tourism Ministry has invested significantly in upgrading Eilat's status as a modern resort. In addition to its many natural benefits, on a strategic level we want to differentiate Eilat from the competition and create comparative advantages through its modern tourist and public infrastructure. Sports infrastructure will offer tourists another reason to visit Eilat and enjoy the improved tourism product, outside of the hotels." 
    The Ministerial Committee for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee today (Monday, 25 November 2013), approved the program for the development and positioning of the resort city of Eilat as an international sports destination. The objective of the program is to help the city of Eilat establish an international sports complex that will serve as a center for hosting athletes from Israel and overseas, providing them with professional services of the highest level and thereby leveraging sports tourism in Eilat and encouraging the staging of international sports events in the city.
    In order to progress this objective, the Ministry for the Development of the Negev and the Galilee, the Ministry of Sport and the Tourism Ministry will invest NIS 19 million in establishing the sports complex and helping finance international sports events. TOTO and the Eilat Municipality will invest over NIS 30 million in the building of the sports complex.
    The government decision will facilitate the realization of the potential inherent in the city of Eilat in tourism in general and sports tourism in particular, and help develop the city's economy and strengthen the periphery.  In addition, the investment will allow the city to compete in international tenders for sports competition hosting. The new sports complex and the hosting of major international sports events will assist in the hosting of key bodies in the world of international sports, thereby increasing cooperation between Israeli and world sports bodies.
    The Tourism Ministry, via the Investments Administration, has given grants to several tourist attractions in the city in recent years, including, among others, the Ice Mall (NIS 4 million) and Jubilee Park (NIS 25 million) to include waterfalls, a skate park and landscaping.