Diner en Blanc, Tel Aviv

Diner en Blanc, Tel Aviv

    The white picnic flash mob that originated in Paris is now taking hold in Tel Aviv.
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    Diner en Blanc, Tel Aviv Diner en Blanc, Tel Aviv Copyright: MFA video
    "Diner en Blanc" is flash-mob-style picnic event started in Paris 25 years ago. Everybody dresses in white and eats off white tablecloths. And now Diner en Blanc has come to Tel Aviv!

    Says host Shahar Cohen: "I see all these people that came and met together not for any cause, only to sit together and have a good time. People came from different places, with different foods and different beliefs and not because of religion and not because of anything else, only because they want to sit together and enjoy themselves from a really nice and quality evening."


    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:02:29