Bezalel Arts & Crafts Fair in Jerusalem

Bezalel Arts & Crafts Fair in Jerusalem

    Each Friday, 150 Israeli artists display their creativity and inventiveness on Bezalel Hakatan Street.
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    Bezalel Arts & Crafts Fair in Jerusalem Bezalel Arts & Crafts Fair in Jerusalem Copyright: MFA video
    Every Friday, a chilled-out place to browse handmade crafts, gift items, jewelry, even organic skincare products. Visitors from abroad mingle with native Israelis perusing the crafts, decorative arts, cosmetics and jewelry for sale in a mellow atmosphere. It's open from 9-3 most of the year; 10-4 in summer.

    "The people I meet here are about the nicest I meet anywhere," says Nir Drori, a jeweler interviewed for this video.

    The fair is situated next to the historical building that housed the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, a center of inspiration for generations of Israeli artists since its founding in 1906.

    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:02:08