Has the High Commissioner for Human Rights gone mute?

Has the High Commissioner for Human Rights gone mute?

    Israelis do have human rights. The High Commissioner simply does not care about them.

    (Communicated by the Permanent Mission of Israel to UN Geneva)

    Since the beginning of 2012, more than 800 rockets were launched from Hamas-controlled Gaza into Israeli cities, over 200 of them just this the past week.

    The lives of one million Israelis are threatened, and daily life in southern Israel has been severely disrupted. Children do not attend school; civilians sleep in shelters. Only this morning, three Israeli civilians were killed in their home in the town of Kiryat Malachi, when a Hamas rocket hit their building. Others, including a 4-year-old boy, where injured. This has been the bitter reality of one-seventh of Israel's population for the past years.

    This terrorist activity is carried out by Hamas and other terrorist organizations that operate under Hamas protection.

    And yet the High Commissioner has gone mute. Not a word of sympathy, not a word of concern for the violation of the human rights of Israeli citizens. Just a ringing silence.

    Israelis do have human rights. The High Commissioner simply does not care about them.