Statement by Amb Divon at Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development

Statement by Amb Divon at Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development

    We are meeting here in Doha during very worrisome times, in the throes of a global financial crisis that poses enormous challenges for each and every one of us.

    Statement by Ambassador Haim Divon, Head of MASHAV, Center for International Cooperation, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Follow-Up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus
    Doha, Qatar
    1 December 2008

    Mr. President,

    Allow me to begin by expressing profound shock and sorrow over the recent terrorist attack in Mumbai. Israel stands with the Government and the courageous people of India in their struggle against terror and offers its sincerest condolences to the families of the victims. These victims as you know included at least 5 Israeli citizens, among them a rabbi and his wife whose two year old child was with them and was miraculously saved.

    Mr. President,
    I wish to congratulate you on your able stewardship of this important international conference. I would also like to take this opportunity to express heartfelt appreciation to our host, His Highness, the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, for his warm hospitality and for the outstanding arrangements for a very successful conference.

    I would also like to express my appreciation to the Secretary-General and the Secretariat for the comprehensive and informative reports and arrangements they have prepared for this meeting.

    We are meeting here in Doha during very worrisome times, in the throes of a global financial crisis that poses enormous challenges for each and every one of us. This is the time to work in unison through common efforts. The economic crisis is a devastating addition to the food, energy and climate change crises. Therefore this is not just another routine gathering. It should be a turning point in our collective determination and commitment to the development efforts. All of us should do the utmost to make sure that these efforts will not be hampered by the current constraints knowing that the impact of these crises and the response should be targeting both the immediate needs and the long run solutions.

    The onus is now on the shoulders of all 192 member states and organizations present here in Doha to turn this meeting into a milestone in the joint global resolve to meet the Millennium Development Goals.

    Mr. President,
    Israel joins the call of his Highness, the Emir of Qatar, for us all to unite in order to translate our visions and inspirations into a reality. Israel agrees with the call of President Sarkozy not to use the crisis as an excuse to downgrade development efforts, but rather to revamp them.

    As we assemble in Doha, we must continue in the spirit of the Monterrey Consensus, which sought to move us forward, together, in securing the fundamental common goal of the United Nations to create a true global partnership.

    It is vital at this time to ensure that the effectiveness and quality of development work remains at the highest possible level, ensuring good governance, transparency, and gender equality.  The private sector can, and should, serve as an engine for development and create many opportunities for development.

    Mr. President,
    Member states and all international organizations and financial institutions should increase efforts aimed at accelerating development.  They hold the key to mobilizing domestic and international resources and increasing international financial and technical cooperation for development.  No less important a component in bolstering financing for development is progress in international trade negotiations, which can rescue LDC’s from the margins of the economic growth that has been achieved as a result of trade expansion. 

    For its part, Israel remains committed to the Monterrey Consensus and to the Doha spirit, and will continue to enhance its efforts in many areas related to financing for development, including transfer of technology, capacity building, and creating partnerships.

    The world economy is developing and rapidly changing, and the challenges and opportunities of globalization are already here. Restructuring the international financial mechanisms to respond to the profound changes in the global economy remains an important - albeit unfinished - agenda. It is in this context that Israel has made significant steps to join the global economy by reducing barriers, opening its markets for competition and thus enabling free-market economy. These efforts were instrumental in accelerating the process of joining the Organization of Economic cooperation and Development.  We also remain committed to the philosophy of aid for trade. Opening markets actually forces industry and markets to adjust, to be more competitive in the global economy and to develop technologies.
    Mr. President,
    Iarael has faced her own development challenges and transformed subsistence agriculture into an advanced, modern and efficient economy. As a member of the family of nations, Israel has been for more than half a century, sharing her know-how and expertise with dozens of countries throughout the globe. Israel believes in fulfilling its obligations by sharing its own development experience, to apply accumulated know-how, innovative and affordable technologies and creative solutions to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger. Israel also strive for proper access to health care, education for all, gender equality and the empowerment of women and is committed to  adhere to our long tradition of joining hands, of sharing and caring.

    Let me emphasize, Mr. Chairman, the importance of promoting and extending cooperation among the peoples of the Middle East. Cooperation between countries of this region, will – no doubt – lead to better understanding of each other, to prosperity shared by all, to peace and stability. Israel believes that development cooperation can, and should, be used to forge bonds of peaceful cooperation.  The joint programs which are being carried out jointly with Palestinian, Jordanians, Israeli and Egyptian experts serve as a sound testimony to this notion.

    Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is in the orchards of cooperation that the true fruits of peace are to be reaped for the citizens of the entire region.      

    We are all encouraged and energized by the very special spirit of this conference .It reflects no doubt a sense of urgency and resolve.

    Mr. President,
    For a better future for generations to come, for a better world which we all bound to share, a success for our common endeavor is the only option.

    Thank you and Shalom.