Statement by Amb Manor to the UNHRC 29th Session 15 Jun 2015

Statement by Amb Manor to the UNHRC 29th Session

    This Human Rights Council exhibits double morals and is ethically flawed. Its Commission of Inquiry on Gaza has been described as being "unbalanced, inaccurate, and prejudges the outcome of the investigation by making legal statements".
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    Opening of the 29th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Opening of the 29th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council Copyright: UN Photo/Pierre Albouy
    UN Human Rights Council
    29th SESSION - Agenda item 2
    General Debate

    Thank you, Mr. President.

    We thank the High Commissioner for Human Rights for his detailed report regarding the work of his Office. Recently, the High Commissioner and Council member states have raised, in various fora, their concern regarding the efficiency and efficacy of the OHCHR and the HRC.

    This genuine concern is inconsistent with the Human Rights Council's ever-growing obsession with Israel.


    There is concern due to an exponential expansion in the number of resolutions. True, there are 60 country resolutions on Israel and counting.

    There is a call for more use of existing special procedures mandates for FFM purposes. However, in Israel's case, special FFM are routinely established, 6 and counting.

    There is concern for the number of reports to be prepared by OHCHR. 8 reports on Israel were prepared for the March 2015 session.

    There is concern for de-facto automatic prolongation of special rapporteurs. But the one on the oPt is statutorily unlimited in time.

    This is the height of hypocrisy.

    Mr. President,

    This hypocrisy continues with the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry on Gaza, based on a resolution characterized in the EU explanation of vote as being "unbalanced, inaccurate, and prejudges the outcome of the investigation by making legal statements".

    Let it be clear: this Human Rights Council exhibits double morals and is ethically flawed.

    Mr. President,

    Israel does not behead people. We use our heads to create innovations.
    Israel does not cut off hands of people. We use our hands to vote in ballot boxes.
    Israel does not stone women. We empower women.

    Amos Oz, the well-known Israeli author, says there are degrees of Evil and one who cannot make a distinction ends up serving Evil. You have been advised.

    Thank you, Mr. President.