Iran: Statement by Amb Leshno-Yaar to UN Human Rights Council

Iran: Statement by Amb Leshno-Yaar to UN Human Rights Council

    Today's meeting in Geneva is about the threats that Iran's rulers make, day after day, upon their own people.

    Statement by H.E. Aharon Leshno Yaar
    Permanent Representative of Israel
    Statement on the 7th Session
    Universal Periodic Review on the Islamic Republic of Iran
    Human Rights Council

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    Mr. President,

    Iran's wide-scale and escalating attacks on its own citizens is the type of matter that this body was designed to address.  As documented most recently by UN General Assembly Resolution 64/176, of 18 December 2009, Iranians are prevented from realizing their most basic human rights and freedoms.  Women, minorities - Arabs, Azeris, Baha'ais, Christians, Sunni Muslims, Jews and their defenders - are all discriminated against.  There is no freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion. This is not a matter of regional politics or looking for another opportunity to remind all of us of the dangers that Iran's leaders seek to bring upon its neighbors. Instead, today's meeting in Geneva is about the threats that Iran's rulers make, day after day, upon their own people.

    The work of this Council on the human rights situations in Iran needs to go far beyond today's periodic review.

     The State of Israel recommends to the Islamic Republic of Iran:

    1. End incitement to hatred, including statements that show contempt for General Assembly Resolution 60/7 (2005) and 61/255 (2007), on Holocaust remembrance and Holocaust denial, respectively; 

    2. Cease all actions as a third state proxy and refrain from financing, organizing, training, supplying, and equipping non-state actors committing acts in violation of international law;

    3. Commute all death sentences, in particular all executions of political prisoners, and abolish, in practice, public executions by hanging and stoning;

    4. Comply with its obligations under article 37 of the CRC and article 6 of the ICCPR and prohibit executions of persons who at the time of their offence were under the age of 18;

    5. Eradicate in national legislation, and in practice, torture or other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment;

    6. Repeal or amend all discriminatory provisions against women and girls in national legislation; and,

    7. Eliminate, in law and in practice, all forms of discrimination against persons belonging to religious, ethnic, linguistic or other minorities, and also LGBT.

    Thank you.