Letter from Israel Ambassador Lancry to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict-15-Nov-2000

Letter from Israel Ambassador Lancry to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict-15-Nov-2000

    Letter from Ambassador Yehuda Lancry,
    Permanent Representative of Israel to the UN
    to Mr. Olara Otunnu,
    Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict

    15 November 2000

    Mr. Olara Otunnu
    Special Representative of the Secretary-General
    for Children and Armed Conflict
    The United Nations
    New York

    Dear Mr. Otunnu,

    I am appealing to you within your capacity as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, as per your mandate to deal with the impact of armed conflict on children. I wish to draw your attention to a deeply disturbing phenomenon that has been taking place in our region during the last few weeks, whereby the Palestinian leadership is deliberately and illegally involving their children in violent activities and hostilities against Israel. Many of these children, below the age of 15, are being ruthlessly placed at the forefront of the hostilities initiated against Israel by lynch mobs, armed militias, and other paramilitary terrorist groups and gunmen. These children are being cruelly manipulated, and their lives are being put in danger, by the Palestinian leadership for its own political gains.

    The Palestinian leadership proudly encourages the involvement of children in the violence. Yassir Arafat, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, went so far as to call them "the Generals of the Rocks". Whether these children are perceived as symbols of martyrdom or merely as the cannon fodder in the Palestinian campaign against Israel, it is clear that their deliberate use in armed conflict is entirely contrary to basic international norms and principles of humanity. Treaty law currently in force sets the age of 15 as the minimum age for child participation in hostilities, whether directly, by engaging in combat, or indirectly, through an endless variety of other means. It is generally accepted that the voluntary involvement of children in hostilities is also prohibited, as this amounts to the recruitment of impressionable minors by responsible adults. The parties to a conflict are accordingly obligated to prohibit children under 15 from any type of participation in armed conflict. Ironically, it should be noted that this standard also seems to be in conformity with Islamic law, which prohibits children under 15 from participation in jihad (holy war).

    I urge you, as an expert on this matter, and as a moral authority on behalf of the rights of children, to convey a clear message to the Palestinian leadership to put an end to this cruel and illegal practice. In this respect it should be recalled that Queen Silvia of Sweden, one of the leaders who initiated the convening of the World Summit for Children, was among the first voices of conscience outside Israel to raise concern and criticism against this practice, and to place responsibility for this horrific abuse of children on the Palestinian leaders.

    As you are well aware, both the international and the Palestinian media have focused on the tragic fact that Palestinian children have been killed or wounded in the recent wave of violence which has engulfed our region. While Israel stresses its regret and concern over the loss of life, both Israeli and Arab, and especially of children, little consideration, if any, has been given by the media and the Palestinian leadership, to the question of why these children have been frequently exploited and exposed to such dangers in the first place. The fact that Palestinian children are frequently found in the centers of conflict - often on the outskirts of Palestinian towns - rather than being safe at home or in school, has been given little coverage in the media.

    As stressed in your Reports on the Protection of Children affected by Armed Conflict, children are truly blameless victims of conflict. The are particularly vulnerable, and must stand apart from any political campaign regardless of the perceived justness of a cause. Children represent the hopes and future of every society, and must not be used to flare the flames of hatred and incitement to violence. This tragic practice, whereby children are encouraged, and often even compelled, to become mythical heroes, not only causes devastating damage to the children, but also greatly undermines any hope to pursue a peaceful solution in the region.

    Let me assure you that Israel is doing everything in its power in order to avoid injury to innocent civilians, including children, even as it confronts the widespread wave of violence directed against its civilians. The time has come to ask why the Palestinians are not making similar efforts to remove their children from the front lines of the conflict.

    I would be grateful for your assistance in this important matter.

    Yours sincerely,

    Ambassador Yehuda Lancry
    Permanent Representative

    Outbreak of Violence in Jerusalem and the Territories - Sept/Oct 2000