Israel Remains Fully Committed to its International Obligations as a Party to the Human Rights Treaties-23-Nov-2001

Israel Remains Fully Committed to its International Obligations as a Party to the Human Rights Treaties-23-Nov-2001

    Israel Remains Fully Committed to its International Obligations as a Party to the
    Human Rights Treaties

    Permanent Mission of Israel,
    Geneva, 23 November 2001

    The Israeli Ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Mr. Yaakov Levy, today summed up Israel's position at the hearings of the Committee against Torture.

    He stressed that Israel remains fully committed to respecting its international obligations as a party to the Human Rights Treaties. In his closing remarks he indicated that Israel is a free and open democracy that, while committed to complying with its international obligations, it is forced to fight terrorism with its hands tied behind its back.

    The Ambassador focused on Israel's dilemma in confronting terrorism and at the same time conforming to these Human Rights Treaties. He highlighted the landmark decision of the Israeli Supreme Court, which states that the Israeli Security Agency has no authority under Israeli law to use physical force, i.e. torture, in its interrogations.

    The Israeli delegation, composed of several experts from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Justice, on Wednesday afternoon addressed over fifty specific questions presented to it by the distinguished Chairman and members of the Committee, attempting to lay to rest any concerns that members of the Committee would have regarding allegations of mistreatment and of non-compliance with the provisions of the Convention against Torture.

    The Israeli Ambassador lauded the constructive dialogue, which the Committee conducted with the Israeli delegation, both regarding its periodic report and the exchange of questions and answers during the hearings. Israel looks forward to continued positive dialogue with the Committee, mindful of the difficulties that exist today in upholding the values of democracy and fighting terrorism at the same time.

    Opening Statement by Ambassador Yaakov Levy, Geneva - Consideration of Israel's Third Periodic Report to the Committee Against Torture - Nov 20, 2001
    Conclusions and Recommendations of the Committee against Torture: Israel - Nov 23, 2001
    Israel's Third Periodic Report to the UN Convention Against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment - March 15, 2001
    Second Periodic Report of Israel Concerning the Implementation of The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT) - March 1, 1998