Statement by Amb Leshno-Yaar to UN Human Rights Council

Statement by Amb Leshno-Yaar to UN Human Rights Council

    This resolution, which the Council is about to adopt with the support of your automatic majority, is not balanced, does not reflect the realities of the Gaza Strip, and does no service to the cause of peace or to the human suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.

    Statement by H.E. Aharon Leshno-Yaar
    Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations, Geneva
    Statement before the Vote
    9th Special Session of the Human Rights Council
    12 January 2009

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    Mr. President,

    Before this Council votes, allow me to directly address the Palestinian delegation and remind them of what former Secretary General Kofi Annan said in a Security Council meeting in New York exactly two years ago, a few days before he left office:
    "Some may feel satisfaction at repeatedly passing General Assembly resolutions or holding conferences that condemn Israel's behaviour. But one should also ask whether such steps bring any tangible relief or benefit to the Palestinians. There have been decades of resolutions. There has been a proliferation of special committees, sessions, etc. Has any of this had an effect on Israel's policies, other than to strengthen the belief in Israel, and among many of its supporters, that this great Organization is too one-sided to be allowed a significant role in the Middle East peace process?"

    I would like to ask my Palestinian colleague - Have you learnt anything from the history of 60 years of conflict? Have you drawn any conclusions? Are there any lessons for you? Are we stuck in the reality of 1948?

    Don't you realize, by now, that in the real world - not the fairytale world of this Council - there can be no meaningful consensus without Israel? This resolution, which the Council is about to adopt with the support of your automatic majority, is not balanced, does not reflect the realities of the Gaza Strip, and does no service to the cause of peace or to the human suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. I cannot help but ask what possible benefit it will bring, short of possibly providing a very brief and futile sense of satisfaction.

    Sadly, such resolutions will only embolden Hamas, weaken the trust of the Israeli public in the United Nations and this Council and strengthen even further in the minds of Palestinians the illusion that the UN and its resolutions are the solution to their suffering. Is that really what you seek to achieve?

    Mr. President,

    Less than one month ago, the Middle East Quartet issued a statement in New York reaffirming its support for "bilateral, direct, uninterrupted, confidential and ongoing Israeli-Palestinian negotiations." The members of this Council should echo this support. Because at the end of the day, only such negotiations will bring us to the fulfillment of the Two State Vision. Resolutions such as one before us do not serve this goal. I know that deep in your heart you agree with me. Deep in your heart you know that Israel had no choice. Deep in your heart, you know that in this fight we are allies. I urge you all to consider this before you cast your vote.

    Thank you.