Second Committee - Poverty eradication Oct 13 2015

Second Committee - Poverty eradication

  •   Nizar Amer, Israel's Counsellor on Social and Economic Affairs at the UN, delivered remarks on Poverty Eradication
    To rid the world of poverty will require foresight and the cumulative efforts of all stakeholders at all levels. Israel remains committed to this journey.
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    Nizar Amer addresses Second Committee, 70th General Assembly Nizar Amer addresses Second Committee, 70th General Assembly Copyright: UN Webcast
    "Across the globe, there are still over 1.2 billion people living on less than $1.25 per day.

    To rid the world of poverty will require foresight and the cumulative efforts of all stakeholders at all levels: international and local. Israel remains committed to this journey, and is confident that working together, we can make extreme poverty a thing of the past."

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