MASHAV-FAO sign Cooperation Agreement

MASHAV-FAO sign Cooperation Agreement

    MASHAV will work with FAO to assist developing countries reach the Millennium Development Goals through a joint program focused on capacity building.   

    An agreement was signed in Rome on November 14, 2008, between MASHAV - The Center for International Cooperation of Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), to assist developing countries reach the Millennium Development Goals through a joint program focused on capacity building. 

    MASHAV will work with FAO to design, implement and monitor professional training projects, seminars and workshops to be held both in Israel and developing countries, providing experts to assist FAO in capacity building programs. In return, FAO will make qualified staff available as trainers for MASHAV sponsored workshops within the framework of a joint program at headquarters, regional and sub regional level as well as at country offices.

    The Israeli delegation expressed deep satisfaction with the strengthening of ties between the two organizations, and with the agreement to join forces in the future for the sake of common goals. The FAO is pleased with the inclusion of Israeli expertise and know how in matters that are essential for agricultural development in arid and semi arid areas.

    The parties will meet again in Israel in February 2009 to discuss the next steps in the program’s implementation.