Letters of complaint regarding demonstrations on Israel's borders

Letters of complaint regarding demonstrations on Israel's borders

    Following the recent provocative demonstrations on Israel's borders, Israel's Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Meron Reuben filed two letters of complaint to the Security Council and the Secretary General.

    Ambassador Reuben: "We expect the international community to take action to prevent further provocations, delivering clear messages to countries from where provocations against Israel are launched - whether by land or sea -  that such actions carry with them the serious potential for escalation. It is obvious that those behind these incidents are seeking to advance a radical and destructive agenda. Like many in our region, the leaders of these violent demonstrations have stated clearly and repeatedly that they do not accept Israel's right to exist - and their goal is to destroy it.  Yesterday's events are part of a disturbing pattern of action taken by extremist forces that seek to spark provocation with Israel.

    Israel is fully committed to the principle of freedom of speech, including the rights of individuals to protest. However, we are resolute in our determination to protect our borders, civilians, and soldiers from provocations such as the one that took place yesterday in Majdal Shams."

    H.E. Mr Gérard Araud
    President of the Security Council
    United Nations 
    New York


    I write regarding a very troubling incident that took place yesterday on the disengagement line between Israel and Syria, which threatens peace and stability in our region.

    Yesterday, at approximately 11:30 local time, a group of hundreds of individuals in Syria tore down the Alpha Fence, in breach of the agreed disengagement line between Israel and Syria. These infiltrators entered the Village of Majdal Shams and carried out a violent demonstration against Israel Defense Forces (IDF), throwing large objects and using other dangerous means.  

    The IDF acted according to its instructions to operate with maximum restraint in confronting the significant threat of violence facing it. Any harm caused to the individuals involved in these violent demonstrations lies clearly with the Government of Syria, which is responsible for preventing infiltration of the agreed disengagement line between Israel and Syria.

    In the days leading up to yesterday's incident, Israel alerted a number of parties about the explosive potential of plans for violent incidents on the so-called "Nakba Day." Despite these warnings from Israel, violent demonstrators broke down fences and crossed over the agreed disengagement line from the Syrian side.
    All signs indicate that this incident could not have taken place or been organized without the knowledge of the Syrian authorities, who in previous years have helped to ensure that protests on the so-called "Nakba Day" occurred peacefully. This breach of the disengagement line between Israel and Syria from the Syrian side raises disturbing questions about whether certain actors in our region are seeking to such provocations as a cynical distraction from other issues.

    We expect the Government of Syria to take the appropriate measures to prevent such dangerous incidents and provocations from reoccurring in the future. UNDOF, as the force on the ground, should also take appropriate measures in this regard.

    We also expect the international community to take action to prevent further provocations, delivering clear messages to countries from where provocations against Israel are launched - whether by land or sea -  that such actions carry with them the serious potential for escalation.

    It is obvious that those behind these incidents are seeking to advance a radical and destructive agenda. Like many in our region, the leaders of these violent demonstrations have stated clearly and repeatedly that they do not accept Israel's right to exist - and their goal is to destroy it.  Yesterday's events are part of a disturbing pattern of action taken by extremist forces that seek to spark provocation with Israel.

    Israel is fully committed to the principle of freedom of speech, including the rights of individuals to protest. However, we are resolute in our determination to protect our borders, civilians, and soldiers from provocations such as the one that took place yesterday in Majdal Shams.

    Israel will continue to take great efforts to maintain regional peace and security - and hopes that our neighbors will act in the same way. 

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Yours truly,

    Meron Reuben
    Permanent Mission of Israel
    to the United Nations

    * * *


    I write in regards to a very troubling incident that took place yesterday on the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon, which threatens peace and stability in our region.

    Yesterday, at approximately 11:40 local time, a group of hundreds of individuals near the Village of Maroun al-Ras in Lebanon sought to breach the Blue Line and infiltrate into Israel using violence, including by throwing large objects and through other dangerous means.

    In the days leading up to yesterday's incident, Israel warned the international community and the United Nations about the explosive potential of possible provocations on the occasion of the so called "Nakba Day" near the Blue Line. Moreover, we asked the international community to convey a clear message to the Government of Lebanon about the seriousness of this threat and the need to take the appropriate measures to prevent this dangerous provocation. Despite these warnings from Israel and certain attempts on the ground to prevent these provocations, violent demonstrators sought to cross the Blue Line.

    The IDF acted according to its instructions to operate with maximum restraint in confronting the significant threat of violence facing it. Any harm caused to the individuals involved in these violent demonstrations lies clearly with the Government of Lebanon, which is responsible for preventing any infiltration of the Blue Line or provocations in its vicinity. Such actions constitute a clear violation of Security Council resolution 1701.

    We expect the Government of Lebanon to take the appropriate measures to prevent such dangerous incidents and provocations from reoccurring in the future. UNIFIL, as the force on the ground, should take appropriate measures in this regard. 

    We also expect the international community to take action to prevent further provocations, delivering clear messages to countries from where provocations against Israel are launched - whether through land or sea -  that such actions carry with them the serious potential for escalation.

    Israel is fully committed to the principle of freedom of speech, including the rights of individuals to protest. However, we are determined to protect our borders, civilians, and soldiers from provocations such as the one that took place yesterday near Maroun al-Ras.

    It is obvious that those behind these incidents are seeking to advance a radical and destructive agenda. Like many in our region, the leaders of these violent demonstrations have stated clearly and repeatedly that they do not accept Israel's right to exist - and their goal is to destroy it.  Yesterday's events are part of a disturbing pattern of action taken by extremist forces that seek to spark provocation with Israel.

    Israel will continue to take great efforts to maintain regional peace and security - and hopes that our neighbors will act in the same way. 

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Yours truly,

    Meron Reuben
    Permanent Mission of Israel
    to the United Nations