Letter of complaint to UN Sec-Gen on shooting incident on Israel-Lebanon border

Letter of complaint to UN Sec-Gen on shooting incident on Israel-Lebanon border

    Letter of complaint from Ambassador Carmon, Chargé d'Affaires, ad interim, to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon regarding the attack by Lebanese Armed Forces on an Israeli Defense Forces unit south of the Blue Line

    H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon
    Secretary General
    United Nations
    New York


    I write this letter of complaint regarding a very serious incident that occurred this morning on Israel's northern border. Earlier today near the Israeli town of Metulla, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were carrying out routine maintenance work on a road located south of the Technical Fence, approximately 50 meters south of the Blue Line between Israel and Lebanon. In preparation for this work, the IDF notified UNIFIL well in advance of its plans. As a matter of fact, UNIFIL forces present at the scene on this occasion witnessed first-hand the subsequent events.

    At 12:22 local time, Lebanese Armed Forces (LAP) positions opened fire at Israel Defense Forces (IDF), killing Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dov Harari and critically wounding a compoany commander. Shortly thereafter, at 14:10 Lebanese Armed Forces launched a secondary attack at Israel with rocket propelled grenades.

    These attacks threaten stability, peace, and security in our region. In response to this grave incident that constitutes a blatant violation of UN Security Council resolution 1701, Israel exercised its right of self-defense, responding with the appropriate measures on LAF positions in the area.

    Israel holds the Government of Lebanon responsible for these attacks and all actions conducted from Lebanese territory. Israel calls upon the international community to exert its influence and to take the necessary measures with the Lebanese authorities to ensure that such provicative violations will not be repeated. I also wish to highlight that Israel has called for an immediate meeting of the Trilateral Commission to be convened tomorrow, 4 August 2010.

    In order to fully address this matter, I wish to inform you that this identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Vitaly I. Churkin, President of the United Nations Security Council, to be circulated as an official document of the Security Council.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Yours truly
    Daniel Carmon
    Charge d'Affaires, ad interim