Israeli statement on Violence against Children, Children and Armed Conflict 8 Mar 2016

Israeli statement on Violence against Children, Children and Armed Conflict

  •   Statement by Mr. Brian E. Frenkel to the UN Human Rights Council
    About half of the recent Palestinian terrorists are under the age of 18. This is the direct consequence of the poisoning of children's minds, exacerbated by hate speech and calls for murder in the Palestinian social media and TV channels.
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    Meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva Meeting of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva Copyright: UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré
    Clustered interactive dialogue with:
    - Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children
    - Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict   

    Mr. President,

    We would like to thank both Special Representatives for their presentations. ICTs [Information and Communications Technology] have become an integral part of our children's lives. With the great advantages they offer they also introduce great challenges. We therefore welcome the SRSG on violence against children for giving special attention to the importance of creating a safe, inclusive and empowering digital agenda for children. Since Israel joined the Optional Protocol to the CRC on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, it has taken steps to implement its provisions in a multi-layered process - legislation, prosecution, reforms education and more.

    Israel has developed a unique and innovative approach to raising public and educational awareness with regards to online child abuse. Within this approach, numerous governmental authorities are engaged in conveying educational programs, alongside the ministry of education. Israel remains fully committed to eradicating, to the greatest extent, all forms of violence against children, so as to allow children to grow and thrive in a safe environment.

    Mr. President,

    Israel would like to congratulate the Special Representative on children and armed conflict for the progress made in the “Children, Not Soldiers” campaign. Specifically, Israel would like to commend the emphasis given to countering the use of propaganda on the internet and social media to recruit youth and children.

    Mr. President,

    Since September 2015, more than 300 attacks have been perpetrated by Palestinian terrorists against innocent Israelis, causing the death of 33 and injuring 377. A very concerning fact is that about half of these terrorists are under the age of 18. This is the direct consequence of the poisoning of children's minds, which has been exacerbated by hate speech and calls for murder in the Palestinian social media and TV channels.

    The Palestinian Authority systematically glorifies the murderers of Jews, presenting them as heroes and providing their families with financial incentives. It thus promotes hatred and inflames young Palestinians to commit further terrorist attacks. Lastly, every year, over 100,000 children graduate from Hamas’ paramilitary camps in which they teach them to become suicide bombers.

    Israel expects the international community and the UN to condemn the abuse of Palestinian children who, for years, have been indoctrinated to follow in the footsteps of arch-terrorists and to engage in acts of indiscriminate violence against Israelis.

    Thank you.