Israel submits letter to UN on Iranian incitement

Israel submits letter to UN on Iranian incitement

    The Iranian regimes recent statements and actions mark a new phase in its war against the State of Israel and the Jewish people, which the international community can no longer ignore.

    H.E. Mr. Gérard Araud
    President of the Security Council
    United Nations
    New York

    The Iranian regimes recent statements and actions mark a new phase in its war against the State of Israel and the Jewish people, which the international community can no longer ignore.
    Over the past 18 months, Iran's terrorist activity targeting Israeli civilians and diplomats has been exposed in 24 countries and on five continents. The victims of its attacks include a busload of Israeli teenagers and families on vacation in Bulgaria; an Israeli diplomat on her way to pick up her children from school in Delhi; and many other innocent people from Georgia to Thailand to Azerbaijan.
    When Iran's UN representative wrote that the Islamic Republic of Iran has no intention to attack any other nations in a letter to the Security Council last week, he conveniently forgot to mention this systematic War of Terror.
    Iran's leaders have been very clear about their determination to wage a religious war against the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Anyone who holds doubts about this regimes intentions should review the flood of antisemitic and genocidal statements that the most senior leaders in Iran's government have issued this month.
    Over the course of just a few days, Iran's Supreme Leader called Israel a cancerous tumor in the heart of the Middle East; its President called on all human communities to wipe out [Israel] from the forehead of humanity; and the head of its Aero-Space Forces threatened to wipe [Israel] out of the map.
    History shows that fanatics with the tools of state at their disposal should be taken at their word. One can only imagine what such an extremist regime would do if it got its hands on the worlds most dangerous weapons.
    Connecting the dots between Iran's statements and its actions should paint a very clear picture for the international community. A UN Member State that seeks to murder innocent civilians and diplomats; spreads vile antisemitism; and actively works to destroy another Member State should find no refuge in the good graces of the international community.
    Israel expects all responsible nations to immediately condemn the Iranian campaign of incitement and terrorism. It is time for the world to speak with one voice and act with common purpose to stop Iran before it is too late.

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.
    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.
    Yours truly,
    Ron Prosor
    Permanent Representative