Israel submits complaint on terror attack in Itamar

Israel submits complaint on terror attack in Itamar

    Israel calls on the Security Council, the Secretary-General, and the international community to strongly condemn yesterday's horrific attack.

    H.E. Mr. Li Baodong
    President of the Security Council
    United Nations
    New York


    I write to express my grave concern following a horrific incident of terrorism in our region.

    Yesterday evening, an innocent family in the Israeli community of Itamar was brutally murdered in their sleep on the night of Shabbat - the Jewish Sabbath eve - by a terrorist that broke into their home. Five members of the family were killed, including the mother, the father, an eleven-year-old child, a four-year-old child, and a three-month-old baby girl.

    All nations and decent people should condemn this vicious and cruel attack. Israel continues to wait for the leaders of the Palestinian Authority to express their condemnation of this terrorist act in unequivocal terms. Statements that deny Palestinian involvement in terrorism - such as those made to the media today by Palestinian Authority Foreign Affairs Minister Riyad Al-Malki - do not transmit a clear message against terror to the Palestinian people.

    The disturbing reports of Palestinians celebrating in the wake of this tragedy illuminate the compelling need to end the culture of incitement that pervades many sectors of Palestinian society. The Palestinian Authority must take much more significant steps to end incitement in mosques, schools, and media; promote mutual understanding; and prepare the Palestinian people for peace.

    Israel also expects the Palestinian Authority to command its security services to fully cooperate with Israel in apprehending all of those responsible for this attack - and to take meaningful actions that prevent such crimes from occurring in the future. For its part, Israel will take all necessary measures to protect its citizens and to bring to justice the terrorists who perpetrated this brutal murder.

    Israel calls on the Security Council, the Secretary-General, and the international community to strongly condemn yesterday's horrific attack, which highlights the significant security challenges that the Government and citizens of Israel continue to face on a daily basis.

    I should be grateful if you would have this letter distributed as an official document of the Security Council. I wish to inform you that an identical letter has been sent to H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

    Allow me, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Yours truly,
    Haim Waxman
    Charge d' Affaires, ad interim