Israel regrets UN Special Rapporteur's press release 17 Nov 2015

Israel regrets UN Special Rapporteurs' press release

    Press releases of this kind serve to encourage terror perpetrators and provide them with a sense of immunity, contribute to damage UN credibility, and cast a long shadow on the UN's ability to co​ntribute to restore peace and security in our region.
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    Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN in Geneva
    (Communicated by the Permanent Mission of Israel in Geneva)

    The Permanent Mission of Israel in Geneva expresses its shock, concern and deep regret following a press release issued yesterday, November 16, by the UN Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories and on extrajudicial, summary and arbitrary executions.

    Israel expresses its shock at the Rapporteurs' intentional disregard of reality. The existing context is not "the policies and practices under the longstanding Israeli occupation" but rather the incessant incitement in Palestinian media and social network sites, as well as the lack of official denunciation of terrorist attacks by the Palestinian political leadership, including President Abbas, which encourage Palestinian terror perpetrators to murder Israeli citizens.

    Israel expresses its concern at the complete lack of professionalism shown by the two Rapporteurs. They have lost their professional bearings and moral compass, and have become a tool in promoting Palestinian propaganda. They have mixed up victims of terror with perpetrators of dastardly terrorist attacks, and safeguard of the lives of civilians with the intent to cut them short.

    Israel expresses its regret at the lack of compassion and sympathy demonstrated by the Rapporteurs for the Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism such as Rabbi Ya'akov Litman and his son Netanel, murdered in a drive-by shooting last Friday.

    Israel has on many occasions denounced the UN system for its complete disregard for the human rights of Israelis. The right to life is a basic human right, and Israelis and Jews have it, too.

    Press releases of this nature issued by the UN, its bodies and experts demonstrate a downward spiral towards politicization, a lack of expertise as well as a lack of integrity. One cannot avoid pointing out that both Rapporteurs show greater concern for the blood of the perpetrators than for that of their victims.​ Press releases of this kind only serve to encourage terror perpetrators and provide them with a sense of immunity; they contribute to damage UN credibility and relevance to Israelis, and they cast a long shadow on UN ability to co​ntribute to restore peace and security in our region.

    Israel's security forces will continue to safeguard Israelis, combat terrorism and restore calm with full respect of the law, whether domestic, international or humanitarian.