Continued firing from Gaza Strip: Israel submits complaint to UN

Continued firing from Gaza Strip: Israel submits complaint to UN

    The recent Palestinian ceasefire violations have continued to brutalize the lives of over one million Israelis.

    Mrs. Navanethem Pillay
    High Commissioner for Human Rights
    Palais des Nations
    CH-1211 Geneve 10

    Geneva, 9 November 2009

    Dear Madame High Commissioner,

    I am writing to you to express my grave concern at the continuous launching of rockets and mortars, as well as the firing of light arms, into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.

    The recent Palestinian ceasefire violations have continued to brutalize the lives of over one million Israelis.  Deliberately attacked in their homes, schools, and every day lives, our women, children, and men are targeted with the insidious hope the attacks will result in death and destruction. From the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, the perpetrators of these brutal attacks launch ever-increasingly sophisticated weaponry into Israeli territory, openly rejecting any modicum of respect for international law.

    I would like to specifically bring your attention to the rocket and mortar attacks, and the firing of light arms, that have infiltrated Israel since the publishing of the Goldstone Report on 15 September 2009:

    • November 9: one rocket hit was identified in the western Negev area.
    • November 2: One rocket hit was identified in an open area.
    • October 28: Light arms were fired at an IDF force near the Karni crossing.
    • During the week of October 20-27, 2009 one rocket hit was identified in an open area near a town in the western Negev on October 21. On October 20, three mortar shells were fired at an IDF force and on October 21, shots were fired at an IDF force near the fence bordering Israel and Gaza.
    • During the week of October 12-20, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in open areas in the western Negev (October 13 and 18).
    • October 7, 2009: One mortar shell hit was identified in an open field near Sderot.
    • October 6: Civilians working near the Karni crossing were attacked with light arms fire.
    • During the week of September 29 - October 5, 2009 five rocket hits were identified in open areas near Israeli communities (another rocket fell inside the Gaza Strip). In addition, light arms were used to attack IDF force and Israeli civilians near the fence bordering Israel and the Gaza Strip.
    • During the week of September 22-29, 2009 three rocket hits were identified in the western Negev (the Palestinians fired other rockets which landed inside the Gaza Strip). One mortar shell was fired.  Shots were fired at IDF patrols and Israeli civilians working near the fence, near the Sufa and Kissufim crossings.
    • During the week of September 15-22, 2009 two rocket hits were identified in the western Negev and a mortar shell was fired at civilians working near the fence bordering Israeli and the Gaza Strip. IDF patrols and Israeli civilians working near the fence were also shot at, mostly with light arms.
    • September 21: Light arms were fired at Israeli civilians working near the Nahal Oz fuel terminal.
    • September 19 (Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah): Two rocket hits were identified near the Israeli city of Sderot.
    • September 16: A mortar shell was fired at civilians working near the Kissufim IDF post.

    Madame High Commissioner, the people of Israel have the right to live in peace and security. Tragically, the victimization of the Israeli population has become a badge of honor for terrorists and I must express the hope that your voice will be heard.  I write to you with the utmost faith you, and your Office, will strongly condemn these attacks accordingly.

    Please accept, Madame High Commissioner, the continued assurances of my highest consideration.

    Aharon Leshno Yaar
    Permanent Representative