Escalation in south-Letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

Escalation in south-Letter to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Israel Ambassador Leshno Yaar wrote to the High Commissioner regarding the escalation of Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting innocent Israeli civilians.

    Ms. Navanethem Pillay
    High Commissioner for Human Rights

    Dear Madam High Commissioner,

    I write to express my grave concern in the face of yet another serious escalation of Palestinian terrorist attacks targeting innocent Israeli civilians.

    On 29 October 2011, major cities throughout Southern Israel were indiscriminately targeted, and struck, by dozens of rockets and mortars fired by Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip. These attacks killed one Israeli civilian and injured a number of others.

    In Ashkelon, a man driving his car was killed when a rocket exploded on top of him. Scores of rockets rained into Ashdod - a major city in Israel home to more than 200,000 people - injuring another man and causing significant damage to homes. Another rocket hit a school, which was fortunately empty at the time. In Gan Yavne, a suburb of Ashdod, one man was injured as rockets and mortars struck homes and civilian vehicles, setting fires in the streets.

    The terrorists behind these attacks continue to deliberately target Israeli civilians, in their schools, homes and play yards. Such attacks from the Gaza Strip constitute a clear violation of international law and must be immediately addressed by the international community.

    Israel continues to hold the Hamas terrorist organization - the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip - fully responsible for all attacks emanating from the Gaza Strip. The relentless projectile fire emanating from the Gaza Strip also highlights the pressing need to stem the flow of arms into the Gaza Strip. The transfer of weapons from Iran to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip through Syria constitutes a blatant violation of numerous Security Council resolutions, and represents only the tip of the iceberg of these two countries’ illegal efforts to smuggle weapons into the Gaza Strip.

    As I stated to you in my letter dated 28 October 2011, Israel has exercised and will continue to exercise its right to self-defense in response to the continued attacks against it and will take all necessary measures to protect its citizens.

    With this in mind, Israel continues to reiterate its request that you, in your capacity as High Commissioner for Human Rights, publicly condemn these attacks in clearest of terms. So far, your silence on the consistent targeting of Israeli civilians by terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip is deafening. Last week you expressed your concern regarding the fate of convicted terrorists released by Israel whom have killed, maimed and injured Israeli civilians however we have yet to hear even one scintilla of a comment from you with regard to the terrorist attacks against our people. We continue to hope that you will show some degree of concern in the immediate future.

    Please accept, Madame High Commissioner, the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Aharon Leshno Yaar
    Permanent Representative