CERN: Israeli scientists elected to key positions 18 Dec 2015

CERN: Israeli scientists elected to key positions

    The election of three Israelis to key bodies of the organization is an honor, as well as the acknowledgment of the considerable contribution of Israel in the field of scientific research.
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    Prominent Israeli scientist elected Vice-President of CERN Prominent Israeli scientist elected Vice-President of CERN Copyright: Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN, Geneva
    (Communicated by the Israel Mission to the UN, Geneva)

    On December 17, 2015, Professor Eliezer Rabinovici, of Israel, was elected as Vice-President of the Council of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the highest authority of the organization. Prof. Rabinovici, who serves as head of the National Committee for High Energy of the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities, received a majority of the 21 votes casted on behalf of the countries member of the organization.

    In addition, Mr. Eli Marzel, Deputy Director of the State Comptroller’s Office was chosen to be part of the CERN Standing Advisory Committee on Audits, SACA. Lastly, Prof. Yossi Nir, of the Weizmann Institute, was appointed as a Member of the Scientific Policy Committee of CERN.

    Israel joined CERN in September 2014, and the election of the three to key bodies of the organization is an honor, as well as the acknowledgment of the considerable contribution of Israel in the field of scientific research.