40 years since the UN resolution equating Zionism to racism 10 Nov 2015

40 years since the UN resolution equating Zionism to racism

    Amb Danon: "Forty years ago, a dark chapter was written in the UN’s history, and despite the retraction of the resolution, the hypocrisy and delegitimization against Israel still echo in the halls of this organization."
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    Ambassador Chaim Herzog addresses the UN General Assembly - November 1975 Ambassador Chaim Herzog addresses the UN General Assembly - November 1975 Copyright: UN Photo/Michos Tzovaras
    On November 10, 1975, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog - later the sixth President of Israel - delivered one of the most influential speeches in history denouncing the UN General Assembly resolution that equated Zionism with racism. The resolution, which was part of the Arab League's campaign to isolate Israel in the international arena, was adopted by a wide majority, and was only revoked in 1991. This period of time was the lowest point of Israel-UN relations.

    In his historic speech, given on the day the shameful resolution was adopted, Ambassador Herzog proclaimed: "For us, the Jewish people, this is but a passing episode in a rich and an event-filled history," and in a dramatic and memorable moment, he tore up the UN resolution on the podium of the  General Assembly, and declared “For us, the Jewish people, this is no more than a piece of paper and we shall treat it as such."

    On Wednesday, November 11, the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN together with the Yad Chaim Herzog Association and American Jewish Congress, will hold a special event to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the UN resolution. Attendees will include UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, the family of the late Chaim Herzog, and other important guests.

    Israel's Permanent Representative, Ambassador Danon said with regard to the upcoming event: “Forty years ago, a dark chapter was written in the UN’s history, and despite the retraction of the resolution, the hypocrisy and delegitimization against Israel still echo in the halls of this organization. The UN must tear this page from its history, and open a new page of fairness and equality among all its member states."

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  • The Battle for Zionism at the UN

    The Battle for Zionism at the UN: Attendees included US Secretary of State, John Kerry; UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon; the sons of Chaim Herzog - Opposition leader Isaac Herzog and Brigadier General (Res.) Mike Herzog; Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon ; US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, Head of AJC, David Harris, and other guests.
    Copyright: Leo Sorel

    Statement by Ambassador Danon - Nov 11, 2015

    It is my great pleasure to welcome you here tonight, and to thank you for joining us on this very special occasion, as we mark the historic speech of the late President Chaim Herzog...
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Forty years ago this week, the world witnessed the low point in this institution's past, and a high mark in the history of statesmanship which still inspires us in the present. When the United Nations voted to condemn the national aspirations of the Jewish people to live in our historic homeland as a form of racism, it earned a badge of shame that it continues to bear to this very day.
    When President Chaim Herzog, serving as Israel's ambassador, stood at the podium of the General Assembly, and denounced the disgraceful resolution as “without moral or legal value”, he earned a place of honor in the history of the Jewish people. Ambassador Herzog's courageous stand for the dignity of Israel, remains the model of leadership on the world stage, and I look to his example, as I have the honor of sitting in his chair. With his powerful words, Ambassador Herzog stood up for Israel and the Jewish people, and spoke to the conscience of the world, but the world refused to listen.
    For 16 shameful years, the comparison between Zionism and racism continued to be official UN policy. It was not until 1991, with another brave stand, and with the help of the United States and other allies, that the infamous resolution was finally repealed.
    While this act removed the hateful resolution from the books of the UN, no vote can erase the hatred from the hearts of those who seek to delegitimize the Jewish state. Forty years later, in the halls of this institution, and in the international community, we still see the same hostility towards Israel, the home of the Jewish people.
    Just today, The European Union adopted a decision to label products from Israel. This is a biased and unjust act, and this shameful decision will also be repealed.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    It is time to eradicate the hatred of Israel by some in this institution, once and for all. It is time to restore the values of integrity and moral leadership to the parliament of nations. We must draw on the strength it took to denounce the resolution and the sprit and determination that was needed to repeal it. The challenges may have changed, but the will to stand and fight remains.
    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    When Chaim Herzog famously tore the resolution he was tearing up a page of prejudice and standing up for Jewish self-determination. I look forward to a day when our adversaries tear up their own biases and write a new page of fairness and equality. Only then can we come together to sow a new future: a future of peace, of tolerance and of friendship among the nations.
    Ladies and Gentleman,
    At the conclusion of tonight's event, we will be the singing Hatikvah, the national anthem of the state of Israel. In Hebrew, Hatikvah means hope. And so I would like to end here with the words of this song of Hope:
    עוד לא אבדה תקוותנו
    התקווה בת שנות אלפיים
    להיות עם חופשי בארצנו
    ארץ ציון וירושלים
    Our hope is not yet lost, the hope of two thousand years, to live as a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem. 
    Thank you.