PM Netanyahu and Energy Minister Steinitz dedicate arrival of foundation for Leviathan gas platform 31 January 2019

PM Netanyahu and Energy Minister Steinitz dedicate arrival of foundation for Leviathan gas platform

    PM Netanyahu: This will make Israel independent vis-à-vis energy. This gas gives us diplomatic, economic and – of course – energy strength. This is very great news for the Israeli economy and the State of Israel.
    ​ (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Energy Minister Dr. Yuval Steinitz, this afternoon (Thursday, 31 January 2019), at sea, dedicated the arrival of the foundation for the Leviathan gas platform.
    Following a tour, Prime Minister Netanyahu and Energy Minister Steinitz stood on the command bridge, near the drilling site, where they were briefed on the building process for the platform.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "Completion of the Leviathan gas platform and the pumping of gas from this field later in the year is a critical component of the strategic, energy, economic and diplomatic strength of the State of Israel.
    A gas pipeline will run from here and will link us to the gas economy of Europe. It will reach our Arab neighbors. First and foremost, it will supply clean gas to the citizens of Israel. Two-thirds of every shekel's worth of gas extracted from the sea here will go straight into the state treasury. This is hundreds of billions of shekels that will serve us in education, social welfare and the other vital needs of the State of Israel and the citizens of Israel.
    This is a great revolution – we are turning the State of Israel into an energy power. An independent Israel will not depend on anyone for its energy needs. This is very good news and I am proud that it is happening now, this year, for all of you."
    Prime Minister Netanyahu added:
    "We will supply all of the energy needs of the State of Israel with clean energy that does not kill like coal does. Two-thirds of the money extracted from the sea will go directly to the state treasury for the needs of the citizens of Israel.
    This will make Israel independent vis-à-vis energy and gives us great strength with the pipelines that we will build from here to the neighborhood in which we live and also to Europe. This gas gives us diplomatic, economic and – of course – energy strength. This is very great news for the Israeli economy and the State of Israel."
    Energy Minister Dr. Steinitz:
    "This is a holiday for the energy economy and for all citizens of Israel. The process that began approximately three years ago with the formulation of the gas outline has led to the development of the Leviathan gas field which will change the Israeli economy for decades to come, bring billions in revenue to the state and its citizens and – most importantly – will allow the State of Israel to stop using coal that pollutes and to close the power stations in Hadera and Ashkelon.
    The development of the Leviathan reservoir is also important diplomatically. When gas production starts later this year Israel will begin to export surplus gas to Jordan and Egypt, and – in the future – to European countries as well. The Leviathan gas field is the greatest natural treasure that has been discovered in Israel and the arrival of the platform foundation symbolizes our entry into the final stage of its development.
    The first part of the Leviathan platform reached Israel after a voyage of several weeks. The legs of the platform are approximately 98 meters high, weigh around 15,000 tons and are placed at a depth of about 86 meters.
    The operational section of the platform will arrive in the second half of 2019 and will be placed on the foundation that was dedicated today. Natural gas from the Leviathan field is expected to flow by the end of 2019, as per the timetable set in the gas outline."
