MoE chief scientist to meet with top UK ministers and officials in London 4 November 2014

MoE chief scientist to meet with top UK ministers and officials in London

    Ministry of Economy Chief Scientist Avi Hasson will discuss the unique ways in which Israel encourages entrepreneurship and innovation and the Israeli model of public-private partnerships.
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    Office of the Chief Scientist Office of the Chief Scientist
    Chief Scientist at the Israeli Ministry of Economy Avi Hasson was invited by Innovate UK, the British authority for innovation, for a round of meetings and lectures in London intended to showcase Israeli innovation and to discuss possibilities for cooperation in R&D and innovation between the two countries. The meetings, which will take place this week, will cover the unique ways in which Israel encourages entrepreneurship and innovation and the outstanding cooperation between the public and private sectors in the country. Hasson will also participate in important innovation events in the Westminster Parliament and at Innovate UK.
    Chief Scientist Avi Hasson: "This is an unusual and important visit - both in its intensity and in the level of importance with which the UK regards innovation. We feel that there still exists unrealized potential to advance R&D cooperation with the UK."
    During the visit, the Chief Scientist will meet ministers, parliamentarians and senior officials in Westminster including : Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries The Hon Ed Vaizey MP; Minister for Life Sciences George Freeman MP; Shadow Minister for Universities Science and Skills, Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP; and Daniel Korski, Senior Adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron. Hasson will also attend a reception held by the Israeli Embassy with the Israel-UK Technology Center, where he will discuss the successful cooperation between the public and private sectors in Israeli innovation.
    Hasson will also attend a unique event on innovation in the British Parliament, organized by the Parliamentary Office of Science & Technology. He will later meet with Kevin Baughan, Director of Technology and Innovation at Innovate UK (the British parallel of the Office of the Chief Scientist in Israel) and with Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt Hon Ed Balls MP. Finally, Hasson will speak at a Cross Party Briefing with members of both Labour Conservative Friends of Israel.
    The visit will close with a speech at the Innovate UK conference, during which Hasson will discuss opportunities for British-Israeli cooperation on R&D and the encouragement of innovative enterprises by the Israeli government. Hasson will also attend a Reception organized by the British Venture Capital Association.