Ministry of Finance and Microsoft sign MOU 1-May-2013

Ministry of Finance and Microsoft sign MOU

  •   Strategic collaboration promoting information and communication technologies
    ICT in Israel is one of the most advanced in the world. The agreement with Microsoft is an additional link connecting Israel to the global world.
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    Israel Ministry of Finance Israel Ministry of Finance
    (Communicated by the Ministry of Finance)

    The Ministry of Finance and Microsoft signed a memorandum of understanding for strategic collaboration for promoting Information and Communication Technologies. Deputy Minister of Finance Mickey Levy, Government Chief Information Officer Carmela Avner, and CEO Microsoft Israel Dani Yamin signed the memorandum which acknowledges technology's potential to leverage and accelerate economic growth, in light of Israel's ICT comparative advantage. The collaboration includes mechanisms for exchanging information and knowledge in various fields and developing joint infrastructure to boost investments in national ICT ventures. 

    According to the memorandum of understanding, the joint activity will be performed in work groups composed of Microsoft, Government ICT and academy representatives with the participation of global research institutions dealing in innovation and development of entrepreneurship. Additionally, the prospect of the Government ICT Division becoming a test environment for developing innovative applications for public services shall be examined alongside collaboration for creating infrastructures for the Israeli private and public sectors. 

    Additionally, the MOU regulates the following: development of technological innovation, promoting open government policy, use of technological tools to cut bureaucracy, handling big data banks, information security and privacy protection, development of e-Government services, information sharing in projects for the benefit of the Israeli community, promoting Israeli technology and start-up companies.

    Deputy Minister Mickey Levi says, "ICT in Israel is one of the most advanced in the world enabling all governmental bodies to provide citizens with the best and most efficient services. The agreement with Microsoft is an additional link connecting Israel to the global world. It has potential to empower Israel's already comparative advantage in this field, and to enable the developing and upgrading of ICT infrastructures in the different government bodies."

    Chief Information Officer Carmela Avner noted that "at a time when technology is becoming inherent to our life, changing the way we transfer information, study, share and influence – collaborations with global corporations leverage the government's ability to provide better services to its citizens. The agreement marks the government's readiness to participate in mutual sharing of information that will enhance its IT policy in the public sector. We look forward to promoting similar agreements with other companies."

    Mr. Dani Yamin, CEO Microsoft Israel added that "future technologies, subject of this agreement, may become an important growth engine for generating innovation, increase the Israeli High-Tech's competitiveness and further improve the government's services to citizens and businesses. I am convinced that this collaboration between the Government and Microsoft, will help realize the full potential of these innovative technologies, for the benefit of the Israeli economy and society."