Israel Patent Office conference marking WIPO recognition as an International Searching Authority

Israel Patent Office conference marking WIPO recognition as an International Searching Authority

    Mr. James Pooley, WIPO Deputy Director General, Innovation and Technology Sector, will attend an Israel Patent Office conference on the occasion of the initiation of its search and international patent examination service

    (Communicated by the Justice Ministry Spokesperson)

    The Israel Patent Office began operating as an International Searching Authority within the framework of the Patent Cooperation Treaty on 1 June 2012. This will enable any Israel patent applicant to access these services in Israel and not only in the United States or Europe, as was the case previously. This was facilitated by the World Intellectual Property (WIPO) decision at its annual session in Geneva in September 2009 to recognize Israel as an International Searching Authority within the PCT framework. This recognition enabled Israel to join the ranks of a respectable list of counties who are world leaders on this issue.
    The Israel Patent Office will hold a conference on the occasion of the initiation of the service on 2 July 2012, in the presence of Mr. James Pooley, WIPO Deputy Director General, Innovation and Technology Sector. Mr. Pooley is a leading international patent expert and has ample experience in both the public and private sectors. Prior to joining WIPO in 2009, he was a senior academic researcher and lecturer as well as an active patent lawyer in Silicon Valley.

    The Israel Patent Office conference, which will introduce the search and international patent examination as a means of promoting innovation and technology in Israel, will be open to the public.

    Mr. Pooley is attending the conference as a guest of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During his visit to the MFA, he will meet with Mr. Eviatar Manor, MFA Deputy Director General for International Organizations and Mr. Ron Adam, MFA Head of Special Agencies.  Mr. Pooley will also visit Yad Vashem.
