IIA begins selection process for MAGNET Consortiums 2 August 2017

Israel Innovation Authority begins selection process for MAGNET Consortiums

    Throughout July and August 2017, the Israel Innovation Authority will hold six kick-off meetings for six technological groups of entrepreneurs, from which the consortia that will begin operating in 2018 will be selected.
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    Israel Ministry of Economy and Industry Israel Ministry of Economy and Industry
    ​(Communicated by the Ministry of Economy & Industry Spokesperson)

    The Technological Infrastructure Division is one of ten divisions at the Israel Innovation Authority. Its goal is to strengthen the technological infrastructure industry in Israel, through promoting cooperation between academia and industry. The Division’s various programs promote cooperation, the transfer of knowledge and experience, and the development of cutting-edge technologies. These goals are promoted by involved groups of researchers from academia and from industry. In addition, the Division helps academic entrepreneurs commercialize the knowledge they have developed and turn inventions into innovative products.
    As part of its efforts, the Technological Infrastructure Division operates the MAGNET Consortiums – a nonprofit association of industrial companies and academic research institutes for conducting R&D on cutting-edge technologies before they become competitive, based on substantial cooperation. The role of the consortia is to achieve results for both academia and industry, which together can achieve much more than on their own.
    The program is aimed at Israeli industrial companies developing commercial products, who are simultaneously interested in adapting new technologies, from which a new advanced generation of products can be developed. In addition, the program is also aimed at Israeli academic research groups that focus on scientific or technological research and are interested in stimulating applied research and cooperating with industrial companies.
    The Israel Innovation Authority will conduct six meetings during July and August to kick-off the six entrepreneur groups.
    AutoSense: Improving the independent capability of autonomous systems to decipher situations, to produce insights and to make decisions regarding necessary actions, through deep-learning technology and efficient processing of information detected by sensors in real time. The aim of the group is to develop algorithms based on deep-learning, that today still require vast energy resources, calculating time, processing resources and memory – over small processing units, with low power consumption and in real time. Developing this field will enable the application of technologies to analyze and process input information in autonomous vehicle systems. The kick off meeting was held on Sunday, July 30, 2017. Applying to join the group is still optional.
    Food IoT/Big Data: Improving consumer trust in food products and the efficiency of production value chain in the food industry using systems capable of monitoring the reliability of complaints, predictive competency, and decision-making of key players in the food industry. The entrepreneurs' goal is to develop a technology for collecting, analyzing and processing significant amounts of information on raw materials, production practices, food consumption and distribution channels, through digitizing sensitive and essential processes in production and to allow information access to all players in the production and consumption chain. The kick off meeting will be held on Thursday, August 3, 2017.
    Hydra: Creating a security-by-design, multi-layered IOT platform which is able to respond rapidly in critical situations. The goal of the entrepreneurs is to conduct research and development into the building blocks of technology to collect and store information, algorithms, control and monitoring tools and standards, in order to enable various applications of technology to analyze vast quantities of data in IoT applications aimed at critical processes and decision-making in real time. The kick off meeting will be held on Sunday, August 6, 2017.
    Hydrogen Energy: Promoting technologies that would enable the shift from fossil fuel-based transportation to hydrogen-based energy, including storing the hydrogen and using it in electric transportation systems, in land, air and sea vehicles. The goal of the entrepreneurs is to develop safe and efficient methods based on quick, monitored processes of storing and releasing hydrogen, and to develop new processes and devices in order to economically implement them in electric cars and in aerial and marine vessels powered by hydrogen-based energy. The kick off meeting will be held on Sunday, August 6, 2017.
    UniHaul: Setting up an efficient, reliable and user-friendly communication infrastructure that improves the user experience through smart architecture, advanced components and monitoring systems. The entrepreneurs' goal is to develop infrastructural technology for the Front-haul, Mid-haul and Back-haul segments of cellular networks at the landline and wireless level in order to give a holistic, optimal solution for networks in these segments. The kick off meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 8, 2017.
    GenPro: Developing an advanced processing platform which is rapid, efficient and independent, based on the RISC-V core. This unique platform will enable members of the consortium to make optimal use of the code generated in the processing system in accordance with the singular needs of each company, while cooperating on the development and efficient use of resources. The goal of the entrepreneurs is to develop software and hardware technology based on the RISC-V processor's open core, which enables the achievement of improved performance, implementing hardware accelerators to the processor, use of multiple cores and support of a range of additional abilities, while reducing consumption and the required silicon surface. The group members are aiming to jointly develop the processing platform. The kick off meeting will be held on Sunday, August 13, 2017.
