Israel invited to join OECD; FM Liberman welcomes decision

Israel invited to join OECD; FM Liberman welcomes decision

    The unanimous decision, taken by the 31 member-states, recognizes Israel's achievements, economic strength and ability to contribute to the organization and to the world's economy.

    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    Today (10 May 2010), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) invited Israel to become a member of the organization. The unanimous decision, taken by the 31 member-states, recognizes Israel's achievements, economic strength and ability to contribute to the organization and to the world's economy.

    The accession negotiations were led by the Foreign Ministry. An additional team for professional subjects was headed by the Ministry of Finance.

    In order to maximalize Israel's connections with the organization, the Foreign Ministry is currently establishing Israel's Delegation to the OECD. The Delegation will operate out of the Embassy in Paris, and the Ambassador to UNESCO will be Israel’s Ambassador to the OECD, in addition to his other duties.

    During the three year review process that checked compliance with OECD standards and benchmarks, OECD experts closely examined the policy and functioning of government offices, governmental authorities and the public sector and also met with representatives of economic and social organizations, universities and NGOs. Following this review process, recommendations on improvements and efficiencies were made.

    Becoming a member state of the OECD will lead to economic advances and enhance Israel's image, as well as improving the functioning of various sectors in Israel's society and economy, including in the fields of environment, education and employment. The improvement and upgrading process will continue even after Israel joins the OECD as part of the government’s commitment to ongoing peer review by the organization and to adjust its regulation policy to the standards held by member-states.

    FM Liberman welcomes OECD decision
    (Communicated by the Foreign Minister's Bureau)

    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman welcomes the OECD decision inviting Israel to join the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. FM Liberman stated that the resolution is the result of a long-term diplomatic effort, and congratulated the MFA officials responsible. According to the Foreign Minister, the resolution is a stamp of approval for the country's economy and its achievements in technology.

    FM Liberman added that the resolution was unanimous, despite attempts by anti-Israel entities to prevent the acceptance of Israel into the OECD. The fact that the attempts failed is proof of Israel's solid standing with the international community and shows that it is recognized for its achievements, despite the fierce incitement against it in every conceivable arena: political, security and economic.
