EURAXESS Israel launches portal for mobile researchers

EURAXESS Israel launches portal for mobile researchers

    The portal contains all necessary information for a researcher moving to Israel.

    EURAXESS Israel has recently launched an updated portal for mobile researchers, in order to help make the transition of mobile researchers and their families to Israel much smoother. The portal contains all necessary information for a researcher moving to Israel; it provides information on entry and visa conditions, taxes and social security, general information about Israel and various aspects of the daily life in Israel.

    The portal also features research job offers in Israel, posted by universities, and a Fellowships and Grants section to help researchers find funding opportunities.

    The new portal is a part of European network of EURAXESS portals - similarly, new EURAXESS portals opened recently in more than 30 countries. All the national portals have similar design and structure and they are all linked to the central EURAXESS portal, which features more than 800 research job offers online from all EURAXESS member states.

    EURAXESS is a Europe-wide network established by the European Commission.

    In addition to the portal, EURAXESS Israel has 7 service centres in the research universities in Israel, to which mobile researchers can turn with their questions. All EURAXESS services are free of charge.
