BOI maintains September interest rate at 0.1 percent 24 August 2015

BOI maintains September interest rate at 0.1 percent

    Consistent with the Bank of Israel's monetary policy, the Monetary Committee has decided to maintain the interest rate for September at 0.1 percent
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     Copyright: Bank of Israel
    Communicated by the BOI Spokesperson
    The decision to keep the interest rate for September 2015 unchanged at 0.1 percent is consistent with the Bank of Israel's monetary policy, which is intended to return the inflation rate to within the price stability target of 1–3 percent a year over the next twelve months, and to support growth while maintaining financial stability. The path of the interest rate in the future depends on developments in the inflation environment, growth in Israel and in the global economy, and the exchange rate of the shekel, as well as on monetary policies of major central banks.
    The following are the main considerations underlying the decision:
    - The rate of increase in the CPI in recent months has been consistent with the inflation target. However, short-term inflation expectations declined sharply this month, against the background of decreases in energy and commodity prices in the past two months and the scheduled reduction in electricity prices; expectations are below the lower bound of the target range. Medium-term and long-term (forward) expectations remained entrenched near the midpoint of the inflation target range.
    - Indicators of real economic activity are volatile but point to some decline in the growth environment, relative to the 2.5–3.0 percent growth range of the past two years, with a decline in exports against the background of decreased world trade, and continued growth of current consumption. Labor market data indicates that the unemployment rate is low, and the job vacancy rate is relatively high, with employment growth primarily in the services industries.
    - Some slowdown is apparent in the global growth rate with an increase in the level of risk. Slowing growth in China is negatively impacting economic activity in numerous countries. In recent days there have been sharp declines in global financial markets, and the expected path of the US federal funds rate, as derived from capital markets, is lower than it was last month.
    - From the monetary policy discussion on July 26, 2015, through August 21, 2015, the shekel weakened by 1.3 percent in terms of the nominal effective exchange rate, but it has appreciated by 5.8 percent for the year to date. Even with the depreciation this month, the development of the exchange rate since the beginning of the year weighs on the growth of exports and of the tradable sector, and is delaying the return of the inflation rate to within the target range.
    - Robust activity in the housing market continued this month as well, and was reflected in an especially elevated level of new home sales, and in an acceleration in the rate of increase of home prices, which have increased by 4.4 percent in the past 12 months. Likewise, the pace of new mortgages taken out remains high.
    For the full Bank of Israel statement, click here.