Professor Alon Tal of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev is fighting for an orphan.
"Desertification is an issue which remains an orphan in the international
field," explains the professor, who was interviewed at the four-day
international conference entitled "Drylands, Deserts, and Desertification - the
Route to Restoration," held at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) in November.
The trouble with desertification, he explains, is that it tends to be
perceived as an African problem, even though wealthy nations like the US and
Italy, and Israel too, have historically had problems with it.
The amount of world resources and attention going to desertification is
remarkably small, he continues, pointing out that the budget of the UN
secretariat that deals with it is tiny, and the available grants are small.
He describes the BGU desertification conference, which has been held three
times in Israel, as a "rare expression of solidarity for the hundreds of
millions of people worldwide whose lives are affected by desertification," which
leads to famine, refugees and cultural turbulence.
As for Israel's potential role in global environmental work, Tal says that
precisely because Israel is such a small country, it's like a fast-forward for
the world: "What Israel's doing in terms of desalination or wastewater re-use
"are things that the whole world is going to be doing, sooner or later," he