A talk with Israeli Nobel laureate Prof Robert Aumann 4 April 2017

A talk with an Israeli Nobel laureate – Prof. Robert Aumann

    Professor Aumann's advice for aspiring professionals: "Do what you like to do. What you like to do is what you are going to do best."
    ​Meet Israeli mathematician Professor Robert Aumann from Israel's Hebrew University, a man who has proven that anything is possible.

    Professor Robert Aumann fled Germany in 1938 to eventually become a leading mathematician in the field of economic sciences. In 2005, Professor Aumann won the Noble Prize for defining the concept of Correlated Equilibrium in Game Theory. Game Theory is the science of interaction between different entities who strive for different goals.

    Professor Aumann's advice for aspiring professionals: "Do what you like to do. What you like to do is what you are going to do best."
  • <p style="text-align: center;"><iframe width="720" height="405" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SsjRNs4IHcI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p>